Reminders Unit 9 HW due Wednesday Unit 8 Test Retakes must be completed by Friday 4/29 Complete all assignments in Blue Book Complete Unit 8 HW Unit 9 Assignments Collected McCarthy and McCarthyism Origins of the Cold War Eisenhower’s Foreign Policy Cuban Missile Crisis Unit 9 Assessment Korean War Compare and contrast foreign policy of different presidents Home front
Cuban Missile Crisis
Lesson Overview Video – 10 minutes The end gets a bit propaganda-y It leaves out Turkey, which is what we want for the lesson Stop at 4:45 Docs A, B, and C – 40 minutes Debrief – 10 minutes
Video Watch the video and answer questions as it goes H5ZzL9KsyPY H5ZzL9KsyPY Stop at 4:45
Documents A, B & C In groups, read and answer the questions
Debrief According to these documents, what deal did the US strike with the Soviet Union? Why was this deal kept secret? Who seems more scared or on the defensive in these documents? What does this event show you about how people felt during the Cold War?