TEST WEDNESDAY 5/4 Russia Study Guide Review
Vocab Glasnost: a system of openness and honesty when addressing the issues facing the Soviet Union Perestroika: Restructuring the economy and government to make it more productive and efficient Annex: to add a territory to one’s own country Czar: Russian term for emperor Bolshevik: a member of the political party that took control of Russia in 1917
People Vladimir Lenin D Joseph Stalin A Mikhail Gorbechev C Boris Yeltsin B A. Leader of the Soviet Union who emphasized heavy industry and used terror to control the people B. Leader of the Soviet Union who crushed a Communist revolt C. Leader of the Soviet who wanted peace with the West and an end to Communism D. the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and founder of Communism in Russia
1. Why was Russia’s development different from the west? A. It broke off from European religions B. It was under the influence of Chinese schools of thought C. Communism D. Economic differences were too great
2. Explain life under Joseph Stalin in the USSR People were very poor Consumer goods were rare and poorly made Short lines Religion was not allowed Flea markets where people could sell their goods People who refused his system were sent to Siberia Everyone was equal Freedom of speech was guaranteed People were terrified constantly
3. Explain the USSR’s role in WWII They were originally with the Axis powers until Hitler invaded Russia, then they joined the Allies Defeated Germany in Russia thanks to harsh winter conditions They helped the U.S. defeat the Japanese by attacking through China in the west
4. Which of the following were reforms by Gorbachev? Collectivization Glasnost Bolshevism Perestroika Containment Sentencing citizens to labor camps in Siberia
4. TRUE OR FALSE: The Russian Republics reacted to Gorbachev’s reforms by declaring war FALSE They demanded more reforms and independence
The Cold War What was it? A 45 year conflict of Capitalism vs. Communism. Neither side ever physically fought each other, instead they fought using “client states”. It put the world on the brink of nuclear war Who was involved? U.S. and the USSR
The Cold War What were some events that took place during the conflict? The Korean War, the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, Soviet occupation of Afghanistan Why is it called the “Cold” War The USSR and the U.S. never physically fought each other, so no lives were lost fighting each other
Communism What is Communism? System where everyone works together to provide for each other. Everyone is equal, there are no titles or classes in society. World peace is established once it is accepted world wide Developed by Karl Marx and Richard Engels The Hammer and the Sickle are the symbols of Communism (hammer for workers, sickle for peasants)
Communism What makes it appealing to people? Everyone is equal, everyone has access to an education, healthcare, and basic food needs. Everyone is guaranteed a job and a pension. It allows people to live their lives to the fullest Why does it fail? No incentive to work hard because everyone makes the same; people are inherently selfish so it only takes one person to bring down the system
Joseph Stalin’s Legacy Why do some people think he’s great? He helped the Allies defeat Germany and Japan in WWII (this cancels out anything wrong he did after WWII) He turned Russia into an industrial power house Built up socialism Why do some people think he’s evil? Tyrant – reign of terror until he died Killed and sent millions of people to labor camps in Siberia Ethnic cleansing in Ukraine