Cold War Learning Objectives: To review the information to answer question on the Weimar Government To recap the structure of the exam Unit 1: The Beginning of the Cold War Unit 2: The Cuban Missile Crisis Homework: To revise everything on your revision list for the mock next week
Beginnings of the Cold War Germany US Actions Russian Actions Yalta and Potsdam Mind Maps
Cuban Missile Crisis Causes Events Consequences Cuban Revolution Mind Maps
Your Exam Section A: The Cold War Page 1: 15 minutes What is the message? 8 mark question Page 2: 35 Minutes Choice of 4, 6 and 10 mark questions 6 marks for SPAG Section B: Germany Sources: 30 minutes 3 source questions, 10 minutes each Last page: 35 Minutes Choice of 4, 6 and 10 mark questions Time: 2 hoursMarks: 81 A* 72, A 64, B 56, C 48, D 40, E 32, F 24, G 16