Words Words have both Denotation and Connotation Words change in meaning English Translations do not exactly or consistently represent Greek and Hebrew words. A single Greek word may be translated by several English words. A single English word my represent several Greek words. English Translations do not exactly or consistently represent Greek and Hebrew words. A single Greek word may be translated by several English words. A single English word my represent several Greek words. Transliterations Language is a Spiritual activity Preliminary Considerations
Words Dictionary Usage Context How do you Define a “Word”: 3 Sources The Bible Axiom #5: A word means what the author used it to mean.
Words Context Translations Concordances: Clusters, authors, dates, language Etymology Dictionaries and Word Studies Synonyms/Antonyms Steps for Researching a Word Commentaries Context
Project #5 Circle words for major word studies (3-5). Underline words for minor word studies (5- 10). What makes for a major word study? (a) Words that seem to be pivotal for the meaning of your passage. (b) Words repeated in your text. (c) Theologically loaded words. (d) Perplexing or unclear words and figures of speech.