“ ‘…and Race’? Toward the Science Question in Global Feminisms” Sandra Harding Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Edited By: Dr. Picart Associate Professor of English Courtesy Associate Professor of Law
Aims To examine “terminological and conceptual problems” that occur in attempting to add issues of race to existing feminist analyses (192) To identify ways in which to add issues of race to existing feminist critiques To discuss the integration of race, class, and gender
After the Fall of Universal Woman What are some of the problems that occur when trying to add racial concerns to feminist analyses?
Discussion Do “less partial and distorted descriptions of nature and social relations tend to result when research starts from the lives of women of third world descent” (211)? Isn’t this just a different partiality that must be acknowledged? Referring to information gained through means that could be considered science or torture, Harding asks the following question: “Is there any standard within science that will enable us to tell the difference between the two?” (204).
Sources Harding, Sandra. “ ‘…and Race’? Toward the Science Question in Global Feminisms.” Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, “In the Matter of Baby M.” The Gale Group. m 16 July m “Ernest Everett Just.” Black History Pages July Ardovini-Brooker, Joanne. “Feminist Epistemology: A Reconstruction and Integration of Women's Know ledge and Experiences.” Advancing Women in Leadership Journal. Summer brooker.html 17 July brooker.html