From Word of Mouth to Pen
Think of a 1-sentence story (something simple) then write it down. Write a 1-Sentence Story
…and EMBELLISH it (add details to make the story more fantastic/attractive) Now, pass it back…
Beowulf Iliad Three Little Pigs Origins of…
What happens when a story from oral tradition gets written down? What do you gain? What do you lose? Essential Question:
King Arthur?
Man or Legend? Painting by Charles Ernest Butler (1903)
Legend : A story (or group of stories) told about a particular person or place. DEFINITION of Legend Encyclopedia Britannica
Watch this!this A&E’s King Arthur: His Life and Legends
5 th -6 th Century Celtic King? ( ? – 1100 C.E.) Celtic stories Near mythic figure (1138 C.E.) Monmouth’s The History of the Kings of England Great King / Military leader Embellishing Arthur
History of the Kings of England Presented as a “history” based on an “ancient book” of British history that he alone had. Arthur & Merlin are woven into a grand history of English kings Geoffrey of Monmouth
1066 C.E. – Norman Conquest For a European (Norman) audience (written in Latin) Geoffrey’s History fills “gaps” in knowledge Makes Britons seem grand (European connections) Makes Norman conquest seem legitimate Why Write it? For Whom? See “Geoffrey of Monmouth” in the “Camelot Project” (Rochester University)
Answer in your notes… Who was Chrétien de Troyes? How did his Arthurian “model” differ from Geoffrey’s? What is Chivalry? AGAIN!!?!?!AGAIN!!?!?! (9:00-11:52)
Great French Writer Wrote entertaining narratives about King Arthur ( C.E.) Invented “heroic model” for Arthur (“single hero adventure”) Not just about fighting, about upholding “Chivalry ” Chrétien de Troyes
The medieval system, principles and customs of knighthood bravery courtesy honor gallantry toward women What is Chivalry? (
Literary form developed in France Mid 12 th century narrative of many quests (“single hero adventures”) Characterized by Chivalry Teaches Chivalric values (including courtly love) Medieval Romance
Each quest represents the pursuit of a virtue Ex. Quest for Holy Grail = seeking oneness with God Quest
Characters actions serve as EXAMPLES To teach VIRTUES (Chivalry) Loyalty to God, King, and your Lady Bravery Courtesy to all (but NOT the infidel!) Purpose: Teach Readers
Q: How does a work of literature reflect the values of the people/culture of the era? Beowulf vs. Arthur
With your group, prepare a short (~ 2 min) presentation about your assigned topic Take responsibility for your role Help group members with their roles Arthurian Investigation
Teach the rest of the class Use assigned questions to help guide your presentation Work together to present Presentation leader organizes, but at least 2 members should speak See rubric For the Presentation
Be respectful and attentive! Peers = teachers (part of your grade) Take notes! Important information Will help with the HW During Presentations
What happens when a story from oral tradition gets written down? Essential Question: