Our Mission: Building healthier lives, free from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
Welcome and Agenda! Introductions & AHA Mission Let’s get MOVING!!! Jump Rope/Hoops For Heart Timeline 5 For Life Kickoff Assemblies Who can help you? Goal-setting and Incentives Puppy Strategies
Mission Accomplished would mean 800 LIVES SAVED per day! 2020 Impact Goal…
LET’S MOVE!– 25 mins Stations listed? Do you want anything else on this slide?
Build “PAWSITIVE” Heart Habits with AHA’s Five for Life message! The American Heart Association can personally bring this message to your students too!
Meet the New Life Saver Pups!
JRFH/HFH Timeline Pre-event Send SAVE-THE-DATE home to parents Hang THANK YOU GIFT POSTERS all over the school Hang and promote the DOG PARK POSTER, it’s a big hit! Week 1 KICK OFF JRFH! Have your Youth Market Director kickoff your event during an assembly! Send ENVELOPES and PARENT LETTERS home Announce HEART HEALTHY FACTS over morning announcements every week Start checking ONLINE and handing out PUPPIES !
Week 2: Send home NUGGETS INCENTIVE FLYER encouraging families Show the JRFH Video and the “How to Register Online” video Continue checking ONLINE, handing out PUPPIES and cheering on JRFH/HFH Week 3: Send home the JRFH REMINDER PARENT via or print and send home as a letter Utilize the puppy STICKERS as a reminder! Continue checking ONLINE, handing out PUPPIES and cheering on JRFH/HFH JRFH/HFH Timeline
Week 4: Send home the DONATIONS DUE REMINDER , invite parents for extra fun! Continue checking on-line, handing out ducks and cheering on JRFH/HFH Hold your JRFH event and CELEBRATE with students. They’ve done a great job of learning about ways to keep their hearts healthy, spreading the message, and helping others by raising funds for research & education JRFH/HFH Timeline
Champions and Volunteers Who Can Help You? Administration Integrated Arts/Specials Team Heart or Stroke survivors in your community Parent Volunteers Student Council or older student leaders Classroom teachers How Can They Help? Communication to parents Combining classes for kick-off and event day Getting envelopes ready and passing out puppies Fun incentives Sharing their story to make the event more meaningful Counting $$$
Thank you from our heart heroes!
Thank you! Jason Mondragon – JRFH/HFH State Coordinator Janeen McDonald – VP of Youth Market – CO, NM, WY