LCG Introduction John Gordon, STFC-RAL GDB August 31st, 2007
LCG 2 From the last meeting Minutes of the July, meeting on the GDB wiki page –
LCG 3 Membership No changes since July
LCG 4 GDB meetings in 2007 In 2007, the GDB is on the first Wednesday of the month The CERN IT Auditorium has been reserved for these dates. Pre-GDB bookings have been made for the preceding days
LCG 5 GDB meetings in 2008 Second Wednesday of each month Plan two meetings outside CERN Discussing a spring visit to FNAL July 9 August September 10 October 8 November 12 December 10
LCG 6 Since the Previous Meeting SL4 –Tested by experiments, –request to deploy by end of August –Markus reports today Glexec –Various objections formalised –Architecture being reviewed –Code review? Job Priorities VOMSification
LCG 7 Workshop Goals To understand the state of {site, experiment, service} readiness for data taking {cosmics, pp collisions} according to the current LHC schedule; To identify the key outstanding issues and associated milestones; To understand experiment activities {'dress rehearsals', cosmics runs in November/December 2007, March 2008, pp from Spring/Summer on}.
LCG 8 Workshop Agenda Workshop Introduction Update on LHC machine & outlook for engineering run WLCG Services - status of residual services and overall readiness Site Readiness - Panel Discussion Experiment Readiness - Panel discussion Data Management BOF (I)Operations BOFUser Support BOF Data Management BOF (II)Database BOFMonitoring BOF ATLAS Dress Rehearsals - Status & PlansATLAS Dress Rehearsals - Status & Plans (Theatre) CMS Dress Rehearsals - Status & PlansCMS Dress Rehearsals - Status & Plans (Theatre) ALICE Dress Rehearsals - Status & PlansALICE Dress Rehearsals - Status & Plans (Theatre) LHCb Dress Rehearsals - Status & PlansLHCb Dress Rehearsals - Status & Plans (Theatre) Concurrent Data Export / Archiving Tests ALICE session IATLAS Session ICMS Session ILHCb session I ALICE session IIATLAS session IICMS Session IILHCb session II Workshop wrap-up
LCG 9 ISSeG Training Session: Improving Site Security Tuesday 04 September :00 – 18:00 (Room: Oak Bay) The topics to be covered are: –How to sell security – and get resources for it –Risk assessments –Recommendations –Feedback/Questions There will be charge for attending the session.
LCG 10 Topics for October Meeting Another Tier2 Presentation? Middleware Security Issues Experiment Experiences with SRM2.2 Experiment Challenges (experiments and sites) Tier0/CAF Ramp-up Suggestions?
LCG 11 Logistics Mike?
LCG 12 On with the meeting!
LCG 13 Postscript What actions have arisen today that should result in a presentation to a future meeting? What issues have arisen that require someone to return to the next meeting with a status report? What topics would the meeting like discussed at future meetings?