Presentation on HRM. Submitted To: Sir Ahmad Tisman Pasha. Submitted By: Mudassir Abbas. BS(IT) 3 rd. Roll No:07-34
Grievance: A grievance is a complaint about a managerial decision, act or omission. Grievance: A grievance is a complaint about a managerial decision, act or omission. In the world of work a grievance is a formal statement of complaint, generally against an authority figure. In the world of work a grievance is a formal statement of complaint, generally against an authority figure.
What Is Grievance Any factor involving wages, hours, or conditions of employment that is used as a complaint against the employees.
Sources of Grievances Employees may just use any factor involving wages, hours, or conditions of employment as the basis of Grievances. Employees may just use any factor involving wages, hours, or conditions of employment as the basis of Grievances. Discipline cases & seniority problems including promotions, transfers, and layoffs would top this list. Others would include Grievances growing out of job evaluations and works assignments, over time, vacation,incentive plans and holidays.
Continue…. Here our four examples of Grievances. 1. Absenteeism 2. Insubordination 3. Over time 4. Plant rules
Absenteeism An employer fired an employee for excessive absence. The employee filed a Grievance stating that there had been no previous warning to excessive job.
Insubordination An employee on 2 occasions refused to obey a supervisor’s order to meet with him, unless the union representative was present at the meeting. As a result, the employee was discharged &subsequently filed a grievance protesting the discharge.
Over time The employer discontinued Sunday overtime work after a department was split. Employees affected filed a grievance protesting loss of overtime work.
Plant Rules The plant had a posted rule barring employees from eating or drinking during unscheduled breaks. The employee filed a grievance claiming the rule was arbitrary.
Grievance Procedure 1 st Condition….. Grievance procedure differ from firm to firm. Some contain only 2 steps procedure. Here the grievant, union representative & company representative meet to discuss the grievant. Otherwise 3 rd party independent from grievance came to find satisfactory solution.
2 nd Condition…………. The grievance procedure may contain 6 or more steps. Grievant meet informally with the grievant’s supervisor to find solution. The employee files a formal grievance,& there is a meeting with employee & supervisor’s Boss. The next step involves grievant & union representative meeting with higher level Managers.
Continue… Finally if the top management & union can’t reach agreement, the grievance may go to arbitration.
Guidelines for handling Grievance The Manager should steer a course between treating employees fairly& maintaining management’s rights progressive.. One expert has developed a list of Do’s & Don’t as useful guides in handling grievance..
Do.. 1. Investigate & handle each case as though it may eventually result in arbitration. 2. Talk with the employee about his grievance; give the person full hearing. 3. Visit the work area of grievance. 4. Determine whether there were any witness. 5. Examine the grievant’s personal record. 6. Treat the union representative as Ur equal.
Continue… 7. Hold Ur grievance discussion privately. 8. Fully inform Ur own supervisor of grievance.
Don’t 1. Discuss the case with union supervisor alone, the grievant should B there. 2. Hold back the remedy if the company is wrong. 3. Give long written grievance answers. 4. Settle grievance based on what is “fair”. Instead stick to the labor agreement. 5. Best point…
Don’t 6. Deny grievances Bcoz “Your hands have been tied by management”