Chemistry Review: Atoms are the ________________ ______________ are found ______________ ______________ _______________ in ____________________ Animation from:
ATOMS CAN ______TOGETHER TO _____________________ Ex: Joining 2 HYDROGEN atoms with 1 OXYGEN atom makes one ______ molecule. A _______________ tells _________ of and __________ atoms are in a molecule EX: ________
The pH Scale Ranges from _________________ pH of _____________ pH 0 up to 7 ____________ pH above 7 to 14 ___________
Acids= Bases=
Buffers ______________that react with strong acids or bases______________that react with strong acids or bases ________________________________________ Prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH (keep pH ___________)Prevent sharp, sudden changes in pH (keep pH ___________) Weak Acid Weak Base copyright cmassengale
VERY, VERY LARGE MOLECULES = ____________________ EXAMPLE: Insulin = C 254 H 377 N 65 O 76 S 6 Image from: http ://
It can form ______ or _____ so it can make lots of different kinds of molecules. _________ is the most important atom found in living things It can join to _______ other atoms at same time Images from:
__________ molecules are found __________ and _____________ atoms
A chemical equation tells what happens in a chemical reaction when molecules interact. NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H 2 0 _______________ ________________ Molecules that react Molecules that are produced Image by RIedell →
Chemical reactions can _____ molecules together. Chemical reactions can ______ molecules apart. REMEMBER: ALL the chemical reactions that happen in cells = _____________
_________________ is a ________________ reaction in which many _____________ that are ________ join to make a bigger molecule These small units are called ______________ The big molecule they make is called a _____________ Image by RIedell
_________ subunits (A,T,G,C) join together to make a _____ molecule EXAMPLE: