FLOATING SOLAR CHIMNEY Presented by : Guide: B.U.Ujval A.H.Suman
Introduction Solar chimney technology? Electricity power generating method Warm air of a large solar collector up drafting through tall chimney. Floating Solar Chimney? Solar chimney with successive balloon tubes. Filled with a lighter than air gas.
Principle of operation Greenhouse effect Absorption of short wavelength of visible light by a transperant medium. Longer wavelength of infrared re-rediation. Leeds to heating and resultant higher temperature.
Components of a FSC The Solar Collector- large open greenhouse with transparent roof The Floating Solar Chimney (FSC)- Tall fabric cylinder warm air of greenhouse is up-drafting. The Turbo-Generators -set of air turbines geared to electric generators
Working Air is warmed in solar collector. Warm Air Rises in Solar Chimney. Thermodynamic Energy-rotates Air Turbines. Air turbines coupled to Generators.
Solar collector Circular greenhouse Double glazing transparent roof Periphery -open to the ambient air.
Operation of a solar collector cell Representation Of Single Solar Cell
Thermal storage effect Water tubes/bags-on ground of Solar Collector. Daily operation time increased. Maximum power depends-thermal storage capacity of water.
Similarity with hydro electric plants HEP FSC Falling water gravity Water turbines Energy proportional to falling water height Up drafting warm air Air turbines Energy proportional to up drafting height of chimney Floating solar chimney is Hydro electric power plant of deserts
Structure Of FSC
Operational curves of a FSC
Floating Chimney Diagram Bubbled tubes filled with 𝑁 𝐻 3 Placed outside Or inside the cylinder. molecular weight density in kg/ 𝑚 3 Air 29 1.205 Ammonia 17.031 0.717
Efficiency Vs Height and Diameter
Air turbines Normal axis placed inside the FSC Conversion of dynamic energy of warm air to rotational energy Output depends on product of mass flow and pressure drop on the turbine
Generators Synchronous generators have a large number of pole pairs. Generated frequency is equal to grid frequency. Gear box used to limit the generated frequency proportional to grid frequency.
Favourable places of installation High solar irradiation - >1600KWh,best>2000KWh Low average annual winds-<3m/sec Limited strong winds-<20m/sec No heavy snow,hail storms,dust storms
Effeciency and parameters Carnot's theorem reveals the absolute limit of efficiency Annual efficiency =Pth/Gav*Ac Pth=P+PL+Pkin+Pfr Max efficiency=gH/Cp*T Annual average efficiency double glazing=1.2H/1000% single glazing=.79H/1000% For g=9.81,cp=1005 and T≈293.20K(200C). Contd..
Efficiency (contd) G=2000 KWh/ 𝑚 2 ,A=10^6 𝑚 2 (one squareKm) H=750,power output Double glazing-18KWh Single glazing-12Kwh
Advantages They can replace conventional fuel consuming Power Plants. Low investment risk environmental friendly reliable, cost competitive sustainable development and global warming elimination Feed in tariffs grants and tax benefits The primary materials of the SAEPs are low cost or recyclable The SAEPs have long operating life