I. GOD'S LOVE FOR ME NEVER CHANGES Jeremiah 31:3, God says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." Psalm 119:15 "Your love never changes, so save me!" Truth - I never need to doubt God's love. Romans 8:38 "Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God."
II. GOD'S WORD NEVER CHANGES Isaiah 40:8 (Living Bible) "The grass withers and flowers fade, but the Word of our God shall stand forever." Matthew 24:35 Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away."
II. GOD'S WORD NEVER CHANGES Psalm 119:152 "Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever." Matt. 5:24 "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Truth - If you want to have more stability in your life when you're under stress memorize scripture.
III. GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE WILL NEVER CHANGE Isaiah 14:24 "The Lord Almighty has sworn, `Surely as I have planned it, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.'" Psalm 33:11 "His plans endure forever; His purposes last eternally."
III. GOD'S PURPOSE FOR MY LIFE WILL NEVER CHANGE I Samuel 15:29 "God is not a man. He does not change His mind." Habakkuk 3:6 says, "His ways are eternal." Truth – You are still in God’s plan A for God does not have a Plan B for my life!
Three things to remember when you're under stress and they're based on the three things we've just looked at. 1) God will never stop loving me. 2) God's word is always right. 3) God's purpose for my life is bigger than my problems.
Psalm 125:1 "Those who trust in the Lord are as steady as Mount Zion, unmoved by any circumstance." Will you pray with me?