One Budgetary Framework 25 September 2007 Delivering as One in Tanzania
One Budgetary Framework will: Clarify the overall UN investment in Tanzania Identify funding gaps for the One Programme Facilitate fund-raising Facilitate funding forecasts Facilitate implementation planning Improve the UN input to MTEF Provide information for Paris Indicators monitoring Define our baseline for progress monitoring
One Budgetary Framework The snapshot of the consolidated UN investment in Tanzania: As of 7 September 2007 For 18 months, July 2007 – December UN Organizations included – 17 Residents and 2 NRs Based on both UNDAF and the One Programme Funding gap identified
The UN Investment in Tanzania UNDAF + non-UNDAF (humanitarian/regional) = US$310 million UNDAF (development) = US$200 million* One Programme = US$74 million* One Programme proportion compared with UNDAF 2007/2008: 37% *: includes support costs
One UN Programme vs UNDAF July - Dec 2007Jan - Dec 2008Total - 18 Months UNDAF Non-UNDAF Non-allocable Support Costs Total UN Investment One Programme Non-allocable Support Costs Total One Programme
Funding GAPs UNDAF + non-UNDAF (humanitarian/regional) 2007: $25 (22%) 2008: $65 (31%) 07/08: $90 (29%) One Programme 2007: $5 (19%) 2008: $25 (50%) 07/08: $30 (40%)
Funding GAPs July - Dec 2007Jan - Dec 2008 Total 18 Months UNDAF and non-UNDAF Funded Likely to be Funded Unfunded Total One Programme Funded Likely to be Funded Unfunded Total
Asanteni Sana Nawatakia Kazi Njema