Place Value 10 tens ones 36 + = 40
1.Place some small full 10 frames on the left and a partially-filled 10 frame on the right. 2.Ask and answer the 4 questions: How many in the 10 frames on the left? How many in the 10 frame on the right? How many altogether? How many more to make another decade? 3.Record your friends of the decade. Investigation: Reflection: How can we use friends of 10 to work out friends of any decade? Place Value 10 Problem Solving A room has 27 chairs. 30 children want to sit down. How many more chairs will they need? Problem Solving Rose had 45 toy cars. How many more toy cars does Rose need to make 50? Problem Solving There are 30 seats on the bus. 24 children got on the bus. How many empty seats are there on the bus?
Place Value 10 tens ones =
1.Select some small full 10 frames. 2.Select a card to make a single-digit number. 3.Imagine removing the number of counters from one of the 10 frames. 4.Record your friends of the next decade in a subtraction number sentence. 5.Did you have your number’s friend of the decade left? Investigation: Reflection: What are friends of any decade using subtraction? Place Value 10 Problem Solving There were 40 children on the bus. 3 children got off. How many children are still on the bus? Problem Solving A room had 40 chairs. Sam came in and took some chairs, and now the room has 37 chairs. How many chairs did Sam take? Problem Solving Matt found 30 shells at the beach. He gave 23 to Sharon. How many shells does Matt have left? Problem Solving A room has 30 chairs. 27 children sit on the chairs. How many chairs have no one sitting on them?
Place Value 10
More Investigations: 1.Sit with a friend. 2.Enter a tens number onto a calculator. 3.Select a single-digit number. 4.Use your friends of any decade to predict what number will be the result if you subtract your number. 5.Subtract the single-digit number. 6.Explain your friends of any decade using subtraction to a friend. Reflection: What are friends of any decade? Place Value 10