Supporting distance learners: Overview of Library Services at The Open University Debbie Sheehy Business Development Support Officer April 2010
The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes campus 13 regional centres c600 courses 8,000 associate lecturers 13,000 staff Single course, certificate, diplomas, degree programmes, PG, research Materials - paper-based, blended and online learning Europe and worldwide
Open University students no previous qualifications required 164,000 undergraduate students 18,000 postgraduate students 10,000 students have disabilities 26,700 students live outside UK Part-time study –70% of undergraduates in full- time employment –50% sponsored by employer 2 million alumni
Library Services Focus on e-library services Report to Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning, Teaching & Quality Resources –3 rd party licensed materials –OU teaching materials, Archive, Open Research Online 95 staff managed as 3 teams –Academic and Student Services –Information Management and Innovation –Business Performance and Management
Our priorities are to Provide a variety of excellent learning resources to enhance the student’s learning experience Ensure that all our students develop the skills they need for work and study in the knowledge society
How do we do this?
We provide a user-friendly portal to our collections and services
And a mobile version for students on the move (
We provide helpdesk support by phone, or web chat How do you connect? dcuo Help and support dcuo 3xc
We integrate library resources into courses and programmes
Supporting e-learning Embedding resources into the curriculum – integrating into courses/programmes –20% increase in ejournal downloads in 2008/09 –191 unique courses with some integration Case studies available - A200, A251, AA315, AA317, A840, AD252, BU130, D821, DD208, DD306/7, DU301, ED209, K115, MSc Science, SDK125, Social Work Programme, T324/5, T455, W100
We provide generic information skills materials
Supporting e-learning - skills Embedding information literacy skills into curriculum – SAFARI, InfoRate diagnostic tool –University-wide levels indicators for key skills including IL e.g. social work programme Training –e-meeting Training (Elluminate software) TU 120 – Beyond Google
Elluminate – e-meeting software
TU120 Beyond Google Provides ‘survival skills’ for navigating the information landscape Students encouraged to experiment with web 2 tools e.g. wikis, blogs, social networking tools. downloadable audio Part of Technology’s Relevant Knowledge programme
The Evolving Information Professional; challenges in the digital world for information professionals – librarians, archivists, information and knowledge managers keep up to date with modern technologies, sources of information and today’s users 30 hours online Flexible learning, roll-on, roll-off course work-based Certificate of completion
We provide programmes and materials to help staff develop their knowledge and skills
Open Learn see ‘Find information in…’ Open electronic information resources
Working with employers – i-Know i-Know project –Aimed at workplace –Bite-size learning using multimedia approaches –Opportunities to integrate into learning and use with employers
Information and Knowledge at work video webpage
Eg. Open Research Online
Being where students are -Social networking - Twitter -Taking the news and services to where the students are
Library Facebook page Being where students are
what we’re working on Mobile Safari - homepage Services via mobile devices
iKnow on a mobile Services via mobile devices
Supporting Achievement
Contacts Josephine Burt, Business Development Manager, Library Services – tel: