Tennyson Look over the notes you were completing where you were applying a theoretical lens to two of the poems. You are going to share 5 of your points with the class. You have 10 minutes to check over, add to your notes and prepare your 5 points.
Tennyson Section A, the second question. AO1:Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression What I have to say is interesting and shows that I know my subject material as I have read well. I use technical terminology when it is needed and relevant. I debate the question in a way that is clear to follow and is well expressed, using punctuation and paragraphing. 10%
Tennyson Section A, the second question. AO3: clear consideration of some different interpretations of texts with some evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses I show that I am aware that texts can be interpreted in many different ways, by different readers. I show that some interpretations are more appropriate or relevant for some themes – I can debate and argue that some interpretations are more valid than others. 20%
Tennyson Section A, the second question. AO4: Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received. I can argue why a text is important. I can explain how a text is influenced by and reflects its contemporary time. I can also suggest how a text is important today and interpret how it might be received.
Poem lucky dip. Godiva The Lady of Shalott Mariana Ulysses Tithonus Women Loss and bereavement The past – classical and medieval settings Progress and the future Beauty and art Men Death
Tennyson Tennyson is ‘the poet of melancholia, passion and despair’. T. S. Eliot
Tennyson Have a read of the quotations. Do any of them obviously link to any of the poems? Label them. Which do you feel is the strongest/most interesting comment and why? Which poem/s does it apply to?
Tennyson ‘The women in Tennyson’s poems are presented as victims of a male world.’ How far do you agree? Some will agree and focus on the wife of Ulysses the Lady of Shallot Godiva to a point Aurora - victim of the male gods perhaps Mariana Some will disagree and focus on Godiva’s triumph over her husband and her gaining immortality in legend Mariana might be discussed as a victim of herself or of clinical depression Tithonus – more a victim than Aurora Lady of Shallot – victim perhaps of supernatural forces, etc. AO1: Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression AO3: clear consideration of some different interpretations of texts with some evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses AO4: detailed exploration of some contextual factors with specific, detailed links between context/texts/task
Tennyson ‘The women in Tennyson’s poems are presented as victims of a male world.’ How far do you agree? AO1:Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression AO3: clear consideration of some different interpretations of texts with some evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses AO4: detailed exploration of some contextual factors with specific, detailed links between context/texts/task Plan: Set up the debate in the first paragraph – are they only presented as victims? What does it mean to be a victim? What does the term suggest? Could they be viewed differently? Choose one of the poems and explore how the female character and her story are presented. What images do we get of her? How could she be interpreted by different readers? How might we respond to her character? Why is Tennyson presenting her character like this – consider the ways that women were treated and how they were viewed both at the time (contemporary) and now (modern context). Consider a second character. Consider a third character – maybe one who is completely different.
‘The women in Tennyson’s poems are presented as victims of a male world.’ How far do you agree? Some readers and critics may argue that… The counter argument would be that… Alternatively… It is debatable that… There is ambiguity regarding… It can be argued that… However… It could be interpreted that… A contemporary reader may… whereas a modern reader might… Yes: … No: … Don’t forget to connect to the STORY/NARRAT IVE. Consider voices, description, events, sequence.