Enhancing R. Emmanuel-Cooke, Principal March 14, 2016 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE A Framework For Teaching
DANIELSON’S DOMAINS Planning & Preparation Domain 1:Domain 2: Domain 3:Domain 4: Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Classroom Practitioner
DOMAIN 1: Planning & Preparation Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments
DOMAIN 2: Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect & Rapport Establishing a Culture For Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space
DOMAIN 4A: Reflecting on Teaching The ability to reflect (the thinking that follows any instructional event) on teaching is the mark of a true professional * Were goals met? Did the lesson “Work”? * Reflection = natural… doing it well is a learned skill
Reflection as a Learned Skill Accuracy, specifically, and ability to use the analysis in future teaching. Cite specific examples from a lesson to support assessment of it (successful or not) Become more discerning and evaluate both success and failures Demonstrate through professional conversation with colleagues
4B: Maintaining Accurate Records Keep accurate records of: * Routine classroom events * Student progress * Other non-instructional matters (such as permission slips, supply orders, absence notes, etc) Records inform interactions and enable teachers to respond to individual needs.
Communication with Students A well designed system: allows both teacher and student to know at all times which assignments have been completed and which have not. Essential for teachers to monitor student progress and deficits Communication must align with formal and informal assessment
Demonstration Teachers demonstrate skill in the accurate maintenance of records through: * Grade books (ENGRADE) *Skill inventories (required for post-obs) * Results of student assessment (req. for post obs)
4C: Communicating with Families Enlisting the participation of students’ families in the educational process enhances student learning. Communication with families involves keeping them informed about how a class is run Parents need information about the teacher’s approach to the class
Strategies for Communication
4D: Participating in a Professional Community School is a social environment for teachers, too! Relationships with colleagues mean participation in a professional community. Professional learning should continue throughout a teacher’s career (classroom practitioner). Demonstrate through actions – making contributions to the life of a school by assuming duties to help the school function smoothly
4E: Growing and Developing Professionally Continuing development is the mark of a true professional (classroom practitioner) Areas for continuing professional development: Content Knowledge (Professional Organization) * Pedagogy New Technology * Your Colleagues! Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning through the activities you undertake.
4F: Showing Professionalism “Professionalism” = elusive concept…what does it mean? Expert teachers display the highest standards of: * Integrity * Ethical Conduct * Intellectually honest * Conduct themselves in ways consistent with a comprehensive moral code.
Professional Educators …never forget that schools are not institutions run for the convenience of adults who work in them. …the purpose of schools are to educate students …keenly alert to the needs of all students …demonstrate a commitment to professional standards in problem solving and decision making.
Professional Educators …comply with school and district regulations and procedures (punctuality, attire, completion of reports, etc.) Demonstrate by displaying professional ethics in daily interactions with students and colleagues.