Infection Prevention and Control Mandatory Update for Clinical Staff 2014
What do points make? Prizes
Please divide into 4 groups Each group will have one or two answer sheets. Each correct answer = 1 point The group with the most points wins the sweets
Diarrhoea (8 points)
List the questions should you be asking when assessing a patient with diarrhoea ? (5 points) Is there an underlying cause for the symptoms i.e. diverticulitis etc? What’s the patient’s normal bowel habit? Has the patient had any aperients? Has the patient had any contact with other people with Diarrhoea and Vomiting? Has the patient had any antibiotics?
When would you send a stool specimen to Microbiology? ( 2 points ) After Medical review When there is a suspected infective cause for the diarrhoea.
Which patients must have a stool charts? (1point ) All adult in-patients (Maternity = when a patient reports episodes of diarrhoea)
Routes of transmission
Chain of infection The next slide is a diagram of the chain of infection. In your groups discuss the infection on the cards (causative agent). 1.Feed back to the whole group how this fits into the chain of infection. 2.What steps can you take to break the chain?
Update Carbapenemase Resistant Enterobacteriacaea CRE (confirmed or suspected ) Isolate with en-suite facilities Rectal swab to confirm carriage
High prevalence of CRE Bangladesh The Balkans China Cyprus Greece India Ireland Israel Italy Japan North Africa Malta Middle East Pakistan South East Asia South/ Central America Turkey Taiwan USA Problems noted – Manchester & London
Hand Moisturiser If you are unable to use the Trust hand cleansing or moisturising products due to a skin condition/allergy seek advice from Occupational Health Department If you develop eczema, dermatitis or any other skin condition you must seek advice from the Occupational Health Department as soon as possible.
Contact Dermatitis Work-related contact dermatitis is a skin disease which can be caused by substances used at work. It is often called eczema and develops when the skin is damaged. This leads to redness, itching, swelling, blistering, flaking and cracking. The most susceptible parts of the body are the hands, followed by the forearms and face.
Thank you for taking part Any other questions ?