JLab UHV omponent leaning and nitrogen blow off procedures and development Ari D. Palczewski JLab Ari D Palczewski, TTC topical 13Nov2014 Sacley France
Why this talk and questions for you to answer Old UHV cleaning is not necessarily particle free, we wanted ensure the all cleaning in lab would be “particle free” as much as possible. Since was have a new facility this was opportunity to revises our procedures. Questions - I/Jlab want to know what your UHV cleaning procedure is? Should be all be doing the same thing? How do you develop procedures? Should TTC have a procedures to make procedures? As Hasan would want - what study should we do to qualify procedure, # of tests? T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Procedure development Felt like herding catsAsk all Scientist and staff how they clean parts and why, best practices. -Felt like herding cats Review all previous UHV cleaning procedures, for each type of material Use same procedure for all components that can fit into Ultrasonic tanks that will enter the clean room even if overkill, cavities, bellows, assembly parts ext. Keep cleaning temperature below 130F because of human factors T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Stainless Steel Cleaning (example) Stainless Steel Components and Fasteners Components are completely disassembled to lowest level Components (e.g. flanges) and fasteners are cleaned separately Coated stainless is also cleaned separate from uncoated Typical process Visually inspect for excessive wear or damage If the component(s) appears soiled or greasy, perform the following: –Wipe all oil and marker off with acetone. –Measure 4 oz. of Micro90 into a small container. –Use TX 1009B AlphaWipe to apply detergent directly to the part’s exterior. Additional wipers, brushes or other means may be necessary to pre-clean heavily soiled components. –Thoroughly rinse component with UPW. –Repeat as necessary T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
SS Component Cleaning (cont.) Ultrasonic Cleaning - for particle removal All USC is performed in a laminar flow hood Components are positioned to prevent their surfaces from touching each other during the ultrasonic cleaning process USC tank is filled with UPW up to overflow port. (full bath) Flanges are loaded into wire mesh basket with sealing surfaces face up, away from the basket whenever possible. Basket is placed in USC ensuring components are completely submerged Add Micro90 detergent to the USC (2% concentration) Turn on the USC heater and set the temperature to 55°C (130°F) Turn on ultrasonics and allow the component(s) to ultrasonically clean for 50 minutes. NOTE: The UPW/detergent temperature shall be at least 55°C for a minimum of 15 minutes Turn off the USC heater and ultrasonics. Don a new pair of nitrile gloves and inspect the component(s) for cleanliness. If the parts do not appear to be clean, return the component(s) to the ultrasonic bath and continue to USC until clean T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Cleaning stations and hood T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Pictorial view T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Aluminum-Magnesium Gasket Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning is performed in a laminar flow hood Don a new pair of nitrile gloves and appropriate safety glasses; Gaskets are inspected visually for irregularities or damage (dings, nicks, scratches, etc.). Questionable gaskets are pulled and reported Gasket is first wiped down with an acetone soaked TX 1009 Alphawipe Gasket is next wiped down with an isopropyl alcohol soaked TX 1009 Alphawipe. Gasket receives a final wipe down using an UPW soaked TX 1009 Alphawipe. Gaskets are placed on new, dry TX 1009 Alphawipes within the laminar flow hood. Bagging Each gasket is bagged separately in its own bag Bags are sealed on opposite end of bag with bag Bagged gaskets are transported to the clean room pass-through T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
UHV Cleaning Key Points Different materials are USC separately Excessively soiled parts are first cleaned by hand rinsed with UPW All USC is done in a laminar flow hood USC tanks are filled to the maximum level with UPW Mesh baskets are used on small parts Large Parts are placed such that edges don’t touch USC in a 2% solution all types detergents All USC are done at 55°C (130°F) for a total cycle time of 50 minutes –Time at temperature needs to be at least 15 mins T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
UHV Cleaning Key Points (cont) Copper parts are first soaked in closed container with a 20% solution of Citranox and UPW –Silicone-bronze uses 20% solution of Micro-90 and UPW Copper and Silicone-bronze parts received two USC (separately) 1.Closed containers placed in USC bath 2.In wire baskets with contents of containers emptied into USC bath All parts are bagged separately –Fasteners bagged by size and type All Al-Mg gaskets are hand wiped three times; IPA followed by Acetone, final using UPW T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Ionized Nitrogen Blow-Off Station T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014 SOLAIR 3350 : µm, 100 LPM
Ionized Nitrogen Criteria Specification 1: Particle counts are to be zero at all thresholds, except 0.3u which is allowed to be a maximum of 1 count every 5 seconds –Copper gaskets –All sub assembly flanges –All beam line hardware and fasteners Specification 2: Particle counts are allowed to be 1 count per second at the 1.0u threshold (pre-blow off before final blow off) –N-type feed-throughs –Copper probe tips –All flange covers (metal and plastic) –Spring clamps T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Ionized Nitrogen Procedure - preclean The cleanroom parts cart is wiped down with cleanroom wipes and Isopropyl Cleanroom wipes are spread out on the cart to place cleaned parts on The parts and hardware are removed from their bags and spread out on a cleanroom wipes and inventoried The nitrogen cleaning table is cleaned by blowing off with ionized nitrogen criteria 1 If criteria 1 can not be satisfied after 2 minutes, the table is wiped clean with ultrapure water and allowed to dry, then repeat blow down with ionized nitrogen All nitrogen sources have a 0.02um point-of-use filter T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Ionized Nitrogen Procedure – key points Only flanges, gaskets, and first two bolts/nuts/washer are blow off to spec 1 –These bolts/nuts/washer are installed first and used to hermitically seal the port –All other bolts/nuts/washers are not blown off and only move to cavity for each port one at a time –If part is not clean in 2 minutes/5 minutes (large) part must be re-cleaned (many more parts re- cleaned compared to old protocol) – currently no values used All components are prepared before any assembly can begin T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014
Questions for you to answer Questions - I/Jlab want to know what your UHV cleaning procedure is? Should be all be doing the same thing? How do you develop procedures? Should TTC have a procedures to make procedures? As Hasan would want - what study should we do to qualify procedure, # of tests? T.Reilly, SRF Director's Review, 05JUN2014