OCR Level 2 Nationals in ICT Peter Rothwell Business Development Manager Mobile:
OCR Nationals Originally aimed at candidates in 16+ in full-time education but becoming an increasingly popular choice of age group Designed to reflect the learning styles and assessment needs of candidates Available at Levels 1, 2 and 3* * Currently ICT is not offered at Level 3
Features Guided learning hours (glh) – 30* or 60 per unit One mandatory unit of 60 glh Flexible delivery units may be delivered and assessed in any order May be delivered by curriculum areas other than ICT Candidates can be registered at any time during the year Work-related, activity approach to learning Evidence generated through practical activities All units are centre-assessed and externally moderated Visiting moderation - two free visits per year per sector Unit entry and certification available No Exams *Optional 30 glh units are only available in the Level 2 Nationals in ICT
Structure: OCR Level 2 Nationals in ICT QualificationM (Mandatory) O (Optional) Qualifications at same size and Level Level 2 National First Award in ICT (90glh) 1 unit (60 glh) Level 2 National Award in ICT (180 glh) 1 unit (60 glh) Level 2 National First Certificate in ICT (270 glh) 1 unit (60 glh) Level 2 National Certificate in ICT (360 glh) 1 unit (60 glh) 1 GCSE grade A*-C 2 GCSEs grades A*-C 3 GCSEs grades A*-C 4 GCSEs grades A*-C/ GNVQ Intermediate 1 unit (30glh) 2- 3 units (120 glh) 4-5 units (210 glh) 5-7 units (300 glh)
Units UNIT NUMBER UNIT TITLEUNIT TYPE GLH 1ICT skills for businessM60 2Webpage creationO60 3Digital imagingO60 4Design and Produce Multimedia products O60 5Desktop publishingO60 6Spreadsheets – design and use O60 7Databases – design and useO60 Key: M=MandatoryO=Optional
Units (cont) UNIT NUMBER UNIT TITLEUNIT TYPE GLH 8Technological innovation and e- commerce O60 9Customer supportO60 10Planning and supporting telecommunications O60 11Career planning for ITO60 12Work experience in ITO60 13IT systems and user needsO60 14Installation of applicationsO60
Units (cont) UNIT NUMBER UNIT TITLEUNIT TYPE GLH 15System testing and maintenance O60 16Repair and decommission of IT equipment O60 17CAD and CAMO60 18Applications of Computer Control O60 19Application of Data loggingO30 20Creating animation for the webO30 21Creating computer graphicsO30 22Creating sound using ICTO30 23Creating videoO30
Programme building When building the programme, consider: candidate ability and motivation units can be delivered and assessed at any time mode of delivery (eg weekly, intensive, semester) choice of optional units how many units at any one time contact time available availability of resources scheduling practical activities and visits links between units Signposting to: Key Skills, National Occupational Standards and Programme of Study for Key Stage 4 ICT Planning
Evidence Requirements Guidance in the unit specifications NO requirement for electronic or online portfolios-but can be an option if suitable (e.g.: For multimedia presentations or web pages) Signed and dated witness statements can be used to support elements of Assessment Objectives Planning
Assessment All units are centre-assessed and externally moderated by an OCR Visiting Moderator Units are assessed by either OCR devised model assignments or centre devised assignments Suite can be tailored to suit the needs of the candidates and the centre’s resources Candidates work must be internally moderated before being submitted for External moderation.
External Moderation Who conducts external moderation? oOCR Visiting Moderator How often do they visit? oTwice per year (free) oAdditional chargeable visits as required What should be available ? oAll completed candidate work for the units being submitted oInternal moderation records oFacilities What is the role of the Visiting Moderator? oModerate centre assessment decisions oProvide advice and guidance to the centre oLiaise with centre to arrange visits oSelect a sample. i.e. in advance of the visit
What happens during the visit? Moderation of the sample Moderation of further sample (if required) Confirmation or disagreement Advice and guidance Candidate Report Forms are signed off Report writing Assessing
What happens after the visit? The VM report and copies of the Candidate Report Forms are processed Candidate results are processed Certificates are issued Assessing
Summary of Assessment writing and the Assessment Process Assessing Centre writes assignment Check assessment objectives are all covered Check that assignment allows candidates Access to full grade range – check grading grids Check resources needed Tutor happy that assessment objectives have been met and awards grade Centre marks and gives feedback/ guidance to candidate (if necessary) Candidate completes assignment Centre arranges visit with OCR Work is standardised In the centre
Centre Approval Separate approval process for OCR Nationals regardless of whether centres are offering other OCR qualifications Centre Approval Form accessible from the OCR website or through CCC/Operations: and www.ocr.org.uk
Administration and support Registration and moderation at any time during the year Deciding on the timing of external moderation visits oonly when units are completed otake into consideration opportunities to complete the qualification and get results Forms provided oCentre Handbook (Supporting documentation) Administration and support
Support Visiting moderation visits o2 per year - includes moderation and advice oadditional (chargeable) visits available Publications oCentre handbook, Administration Catalogue (A028) OCR Training otraining courses available on planning and delivering Nationals Support material for OCR Nationals oOCR produced Model Assignments and support materials from external publishers E-community ohttp://community.ocr.org.uk/lists/listinfo/nationals-community
Other Useful Information OCR Website: Professional Officer oZara Ahmed Specifications: Handbooks/CD format OCR Nationals team (Vocational Assessment) Operations: Publications: CCC: