Bill Hemmig, Brian Johnstone, and Margaret Montet November 12, 2010 Creating a Sense of Place for the Mobile Learner
Lessons on Demand YouTube Videos… Personalize bland electronic resources, and Draw attention to features. Needed: Flip video camera and a YouTube account Sample: eBrarian on Spring BreakeBrarian on Spring Break
Crib Notes LibGuides… Are part of a collaborative VIRTUAL LEARNING SPACE, Can be used for Specific assignments, Courses, Comprehensive subject guides, Are enthusiastically received by online and F2F students. Needed: a subscription to Springshare LibGuides. Sample: Art LibGuideArt LibGuide
Videos Embedded in LibGuides… Put faces with names, Seamlessly introduce the concepts of LibGuides and Information Literacy. Sample: Introduction to PsychologyIntroduction to Psychology
YouTube Videos (Screenr, too!)… Can be embedded directly into online course spaces. Sample: Media Librarians’ intro to embedded Media Literacy content in an online class…
The video… Direct link to the LibGuide for the Media Literacy content.LibGuide
Help from Anywhere (Everybody’s Mobile) Meebo Ask-a-Librarian widgets embedded into LibGuides. Meebo is free, web-based, can be embedded anywhere. Instructions for getting started with the Text-a-Librarian service.
Lib n my h& Text-a-Librarian… Patrons text by phone; librarians staff web-based dashboard. Service does not need to be completely synchronous.
Virtual Library in My Pocket Boopsie Create Mobile App for your library, Can be used for Library Catalog, Contacts, Web content. Needed: contract with Boospie Sample: (iTunes store ‘Bucks Mobile’)
Home Coming WWW… ‘Mobile’ elements on traditional web pages, Can be used for Navigation, Creating a sense of cohesiveness, Are enthusiastically received by users. Needed: a few icons. Sample: Bucks LibraryBucks Library