1 Designing and using normalization rules Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian, Ex Libris
2 Copyright Statement All of the information and material inclusive of text, images, logos, product names is either the property of, or used with permission by Ex Libris Ltd. The information may not be distributed, modified, displayed, reproduced – in whole or in part – without the prior written permission of Ex Libris Ltd. TRADEMARKS Ex Libris, the Ex Libris logo, Aleph, Alma, SFX, SFXIT, MetaLib, DigiTool, Verde, Primo, Voyager, MetaSearch, MetaIndex and other Ex Libris products and services referenced herein are trademarks of Ex Libris, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names, company names, marks and logos referenced may be trademarks of their respective owners. DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is compiled from various sources and provided on an "AS IS" basis for general information purposes only without any representations, conditions or warranties whether express or implied, including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, completeness, accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Ex Libris, its subsidiaries and related corporations ("Ex Libris Group") disclaim any and all liability for all use of this information, including losses, damages, claims or expenses any person may incur as a result of the use of this information, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. © Ex Libris Ltd., 2012
3 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
4 Introduction – Normalization Rules Normalization rules are designed to change or update bibliographic metadata at various stages, for example when the record is: Saved in the metadata editor Imported via import profile Imported from external search resource Edited via the “enhance the record” menu in the metadata editor Run on a saved set
5 In addition to this presentation see also the online help Introduction – Normalization Rules
6 The normalization rules are written in a specific syntax allowing the user to create rules to Add fields Delete fields Change text Change field tags Change indicators These operations may be performed Unconditionally Conditionally Introduction – Normalization Rules
7 Examples of the different rules and the syntax is included in the online help Introduction – Normalization Rules
8 This presentation will not discuss the specific syntax of the normalization rules. The focus here will be specifically on creating the normalization rules as well as how and where the rules may be used. Introduction – Normalization Rules
9 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
10 Creating normalization rules The normalization rules are created in the metadata editor via menu “File > new > normalization rules”
11 Creating normalization rules Fill in the “Normalization Rules Properties” window as desired Choose shared if you want other uses to also access this rule Choose enabled if you want this rule to be active. When still editing and testing you may wish to leave it not enabled A logical name and description to later know what this rule does
12 Creating normalization rules In the window that opens enter the text of the normalization rule and then click “Save”
13 Creating normalization rules The text of the normalization rule can be copied from the examples in the online help and then changed as desired Example from online help Actual normalization rule Copy the text to the rule and then edit as desired
14 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
15 Testing normalization rules Before actually running the normalization rule in a real process or import, it is recommended to test it. The normalization rule may be easily tested in the metadata editor as follows: 1.Open a record to test the rule on 2.Switch to split editor mode and leave record in left pane 3.Switch focus to blank right pane of split editor 4.In left navigation pane select the normalization rule and click edit 5.Rule opens in right pane 6.Test it by clicking “Preview”
16 Testing normalization rules With record to test open in left pane of split editor choose to edit the normalization rule Edit the normalization ruleRecord on which we will test the normalization rule is open in the left pane
17 Testing normalization rules The normalization rule open in the right pane with “preview” and “save” options. Preview allows user to test it Save allows for saving additional edits to the rule Clicking here will run the rule (in the right pane) on the record (in the left pane).
18 Clicking “Apply changes” will update the record The record did change and the sub field h was added to the title Testing normalization rules Now we see that the normalization rule did make a change Clicking “Back to normalization rules” will return the user to the rule for additional editing
19 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
20 Add Normalization Rule as a Process In order to be able to use the normalization rule in various parts of the system it needs to be added as a process Each process may include one or more normalization rules. In this example we will add three normalization rules to one process. Our three normalization rules do as follows: The first one: Add 245 sub field h [Video] when 008 pos. 6 is “g” and 008 pos is “eng” The second one: Add 245 sub field h [Vidéo] when 008 pos. 6 is “g” and 008 pos is “fre” The third one: Add 245 sub field h [ וידאו ] when 008 pos. 6 is “g” and 008 pos is “heb”
21 Add Normalization Rule as a Process These are the three rules we will add to one normalization process
22 Add Normalization Rule as a Process From the Resource Management Configuration Menu choose Cataloging > Metadata Configuration
23 Add Normalization Rule as a Process From the Metadata Configuration List choose “MARC21 Bibliographic”
24 Add Normalization Rule as a Process From the Profile Details page switch to the Normalization tab and choose “Add Process”
25 Add Normalization Rule as a Process Give a name and description to the new process Click “Next” to arrive to the next screen
26 Add Normalization Rule as a Process In the “Task List” column select “MarcDroolNormalization” and click “Add to Selection” Each time you click “Add to selection” the process is added to the upper pane. Do this once for each normalization process you want to add to the process
27 Add Normalization Rule as a Process Now in the “task parameters” tab we have three options to add the normalization rules. One option exists for each time we added “MarcDroolNormalization” in the “Task List” tab. We have added the three rules previously seen
28 Add Normalization Rule as a Process Now the new process exists This is the process we just added
29 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
30 Running the process from menu One way the process can be run is via the metadata editor menu “edit > enhance the record” No subfield h here in the 245 field
31 Running the process from menu Choose “Edit > Enhance the record”
32 Running the process from menu User can then choose from the various processes
33 Running the process from menu Click OK and the process runs
34 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
35 Running the process on a set Each process (which we already saw includes a normalization process) can also be run on a set of records. Choose “Run Process” from the “Process” section of the resource configuration menu
36 Running the process on a set Select the desired process and click “Next”
37 Running the process on a set Select the set on which you want to run the process and click “Next”
38 Running the process on a set Choose the normalization routine(s) and click “next”
39 Running the process on a set Give a name for the process of the job and click next
40 Running the process on a set When the job completes you will see that the records which have a g in pos. 6 of the LDR have a 245 subfield h with [Video]
41 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
42 Running a process in import profile The process we created can also be placed in the import profile. In the “Normalization & Validation” tab of the import profile it can be chosen in the “Correct the data using” field When an input file is imported with this profile the process will occur on the records
43 Running a process in import profile The first record in the input file, with title “Top technologies”, does have a “g” in position 6 of the LDR
44 Running a process in import profile The second record in the input file, with title “AICPA's top technologies 2004”, does not have a “g” in position 6 of the LDR
45 Running a process in import profile The input file is uploaded using the import profile which includes process “Add 245 sf h [Video]”
46 Running a process in import profile The first record correctly did get the subfield added
47 Running a process in import profile The second record correctly did not get the subfield added
48 Agenda Introduction Creating normalization rules Testing normalization rules Add Normalization Rule as a process Running the process from menu Running the process on a set Running a process in import profile Running a process in External Resource
49 Running a process in external resource We have another normalization rule called “Copied from WorldCat” It adds a 900 field with text “Copied from WorldCat”
50 Running a process in external resource It has been added to a process called “Add 900 copied from WorldCat”
51 Running a process in external resource Now we want this process to take effect when we copy a record from WorldCat via “search external resources” and copy it to the metadata editor
52 Running a process in external resource First we will see which external resource is used in the external search profile called “WorldCat” This is accessed via Resource Configuration Menu > Search Configuration > External Search profile
53 Running a process in external resource In the Resources List tab of the External Search profile we see that the name of Resource is “WorldCat”
54 Running a process in external resource We will therefore now edit the resource “WorldCat” so that it will use the process called “Add 900 copied from WorldCat” This may be accessed via Resource Configuration Menu > Search Configuration > External Search Resources Then we will edit the resource
55 Running a process in external resource Now we can choose the normalization process to run for this search
56 Running a process in external resource Now we perform a search in WorldCat
57 Running a process in external resource View a record from results And see the field added to the “view”
58 Running a process in external resource And if we choose “Import” … The field is added to “import” in the metadata editor