Quiz Ch. 1-6 & Study Guide Turn in your completed Ch. 1-6 Study Guide When you are done with your quiz, you may begin answering Ch. 7 Study Guide questions
Ch. 7 Discussion Compare the expedition’s arrival at Beorn’s house with the Unexpected Party of the first chapter. Note that Bilbo is in on Gandalf’s plot. While both hosts have to be persuaded into accepting the arrival of the traveling party, it is for very different reasons. What are they? Why is it necessary to the story that Gandalf leave the expedition?
Beorn & Beauty and the Beast Compare the descriptions of Beorn and his house with the classic version of the story Beauty and the Beast and a 3 rd cultural variation of the story. How is Beorn similar to this archetype? How is he different? Variations of the classic story: Basque Denmark Italy Greece England Austria China Germany Russia Switzerland
Beorn from The Hobbit Beauty and the Beast Cultural Comparison Get into small groups of those that read the same cultural variation of the abridged 1756 French classic La Belle et la Bête
Homework: Annotated Bibliographies PRINTED Read Ch. 8 & 9 for Tuesday Answer study guide questions