1 Details of the Sword Contract Kick-off meeting Autonomous Province of Trento Trento, December 18-19, 2014 SWORD (School and WOrk-Related Dual learning)
2 Partnership Agreement Article 1 – Scope of the Partnership Agreement Within the ERASMUS+ programme, the Beneficiary and the Partner undertake to carry out the project and work programme as set out in the present Partnership Agreement. This Partnership Agreement is subject to the conditions of the Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX- XXXXXX concluded between the Beneficiary and the ISFOL as the national Erasmus+ agency (hereinafter “the Agency”) relating to the project entitled School and WOrk-Related Dual learning (SWORD), Project No IT01-KA The total budget of the project for the contractual period of 3 years covered by Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX- XXXXXX, all financing combined, is estimated at ,00 EUR. The present Partnership Agreement governs relations between the Beneficiary and the Partner as well as their respective rights and obligations with regard to their participation in the project. The scope of the present Partnership Agreement and the project relating to it are set out in detail in the annexes, which form an integral part of this Partnership Agreement and which each party declares to have read and approved. Article 2 – Duration The present Partnership Agreement shall come into effect on for a period of 36 months and shall end on
3 Partnership Agreement Article 3 – Obligations of the Beneficiary The Beneficiary undertakes: - to make the necessary arrangements for the preparation, coordination, execution and smooth running of the project and its work programme, which is the subject of the present Partnership Agreement, in accordance with the aims of the project as set out in the Grant Agreement signed between the Agency and the Beneficiary; - to provide the Partner with copies of the official documents relating to the project, such as the Grant Agreement between the Beneficiary and the Agency as well as the various reports; - to inform the Partner of any modifications made to Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX- XXXXXX; - to define, together with the Partner, the roles, rights and obligations of both parties, including those relating to the allocation of intellectual property rights.
4 Partnership Agreement Article 4 – Obligations of the Partner The Partner undertakes: - to make the necessary arrangements for the execution and smooth running of the project and its work programme, which is the subject of the present Partnership Agreement, in accordance with the aims of the project as set out in the Grant Agreement signed between the Agency and the Beneficiary; - to comply with all the provisions of the Grant Agreement between the Beneficiary and the Agency; - to provide the Beneficiary with any information or document it may require and which are necessary for the administration of the project and reporting to the Agency. - to define, together with the Beneficiary, the roles, rights and obligations of both parties, including those relating to the allocation of intellectual property rights.
5 Partnership Agreement Article 5 Financing The total expenditure to be incurred by the Partner during the period covered by this Partnership Agreement is estimated at XX.XXX,00 Euro. Article 6 – Payments The Beneficiary undertakes to make payments under this Partnership Agreement to the Partner in line with the following schedule and payments forecast by the Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX-XXXXXX: 40% (amounting to XX.XXX,00 EUR) of the finance amount within 30 days after receiving the signed Partnership Agreement and pre-financing funds from the Agency; 40 % (amounting to XX.XXX,00 EUR) of the finance amount within 30 days after receiving the the second part of the financing amount from the Agency; the rest (20%; amounting to XX.XXX,00 EUR) of the co-finance amount within 30 days after approval of the final project report and receiving the last payment for the project from the Agency.
6 Partnership Agreement Article 7 – Bank Account The Beneficiary undertakes to make the payments to the Bank Account specified by the Partner: Account Holder:… Address of Account Holder:… Contact Person:…Tel: … … Name of Bank:… Address of Bank: … IBAN-Code: … Swift Code/BIC-Code: … Account Number: … Object for Payment: SWORD project payment, CUP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Article 8 – Reports The Partner shall provide the Beneficiary with the necessary information and supporting documents for drawing up the two interim reports and final report according to the provisions of Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX-XXXXXX no later than 15 days before the foreseen submission date to the Agency.
7 Partnership Agreement Article 9 – Monitoring and Control The Partner shall immediately give the Beneficiary any information that the latter may require concerning the implementation of the project as set out in this Partnership Agreement. The Partner shall keep at the disposal of the Beneficiary any document which enables him to check that the said project is being implemented or has been implemented. In case of a financial and/or operational audit by the competent authorities, the Partner shall cooperate with the Beneficiary, so that the latter has access to all the requested information. Article 10 – Rights of ownership The Partner accepts to conform to the dispositions of the article “Ownership/Use of the Results” set out in the Grant Agreement between the Beneficiary and the Agency. The Beneficiary will provide the Partner with all information relating to the subject, including, among others, those which are in the Grant Agreement and its amendments, the official documents or in any correspondence.
8 Partnership Agreement Article 11 – Liability Each contracting party shall exonerate the other contracting party from all civil liability arising from damages suffered by itself or its staff, resulting from the execution of this Partnership Agreement, insofar as these damages are not due to a serious or intentional error on the part of the other contracting party or its staff. The Partner shall guarantee the Agency, the Beneficiary and their staff against any action for compensation for damages occurring to third parties, including project staff, resulting from the execution of this Partnership Agreement, insofar as these damages are not due to a serious or intentional error on the part of the Agency, the Beneficiary or their staff. No party shall be liable to another for indirect or consequential loss or damages, such as but not limited to loss of profit, loss of revenue or loss of contracts. The total liability of a party towards another party under this Partnership Agreement shall be limited under all circumstances to the liability stated in the applicable mandatory laws. carrying out of this Partnership Agreement.
9 Partnership Agreement Article 12 – Termination of the Agreement In the event of the non-performance by the Partner of any of the undertakings arising from this Partnership Agreement and independently of the consequences provided for by applicable law, this Partnership Agreement may be legally terminated or annulled by the Beneficiary, without needing to proceed with any further legal formality, if an official demand sent to the Partner by registered letter is not complied with within one month. The Partner shall inform the Beneficiary immediately, providing him with all relevant information, of any event likely to prejudice the carrying out of this Partnership Agreement. Article 13 – Jurisdiction Where an amicable solution cannot be found, the Court of Trento, Italy, shall have sole jurisdiction in any dispute between the contracting parties of this Partnership Agreement. The Law applicable to the present Partnership Agreement is the Law of Italy. Article 14 – Amendments and Additions to the Partnership Agreement Any modifications to this Partnership Agreement may only be made by means of an additional clause signed for each party by the signatories of the present Partnership Agreement.
10 Partnership Agreement Article 15 - Copies This agreement is made in two copies of equal legal force, one for each party. Article 16 – Annexes The following Annexes are attached and form an integral part of this Partnership Agreement: Annex 1 - A scan of Grant Agreement No. XX-XXX-XXXXXX; Annex 2: An electronic copy of the project proposal with budget, Annex 3: An electronic copy of the Financial and contractual rules.
11 Thanks for your attention