ERDF for Education and Science th March 2011
ERDF ALLOCATION IN (570,9 million EUR)
ERDF FOR HIGHER EDUCATION & SCIENCE– 409,8 MILLION EUR Support for research and development ( ) – 55,1 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress Support for research and development ( ) – 55,1 million EUR Outcome: It is expected to support 124 practical research projects, and to increase the number of European and 3rd party (Europe+ USA+ Japan) patents submitted by scientific institutions – ERDF beneficiaries. It is expected that number of patents submitted will increase up to 43 per year, and the amount of internationally recognized publications will grow up to 800 publications per year (compared with 350 in year 2004). Finance progress: 113 projects are being implemented since 2010 (+ contract-signing for 10 project implementation) using all available funding. 9,7 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (18% of OP allocation). Support for international cooperation projects in science and technology ( ) – 7 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress Support for international cooperation projects in science and technology ( ) – 7 million EUR Outcome: it is expected that 20 international cooperation projects will be supported, as well as public research institutions will participate in scientific conferences, international exhibitions and fairs. Finance progress: 20 projects are being implemented since ,4 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (20% of OP allocation). Information technology infrastructure and information systems in scientific activity ( ) – 14,96 million EUR Outcome: Information technology infrastructure and information systems in scientific activity ( ) – 14,96 million EUR Outcome: the creation of a single academic network. One project is being implemented using all available funding since 2010.
Development of Research Infrastructure ( ) – 187,1 million EUR 1st selection Under 1st selection (closed call; available public funding - 80,1 million EUR) support is planned for development of 9 national level research centers. 1st call is open and projects are currently being drafted (18 Jul, 2011 – submission deadline). 2nd selection Under 2nd selection (open call; available public funding – 65,9 million EUR) – support for commercial research infrastructure development. Draft Regulations are submitted to Cabinet of Ministers for approval. It is planned to announce open call for project proposals on May, Upgrading of Higher education institutions’ premises and equipment to improve the quality of studies, including education opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities & new college curriculum development in the aviation sector ( ) – 145,5 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress Outcome: improved infrastructure in all higher education institutions, including buildings adapted for disabled persons till Developed new college study program in aviation sector. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved (November, 2010) Regulations which provide support for the first level professional higher education programs in the aviation sector. Finance progress: 31 projects are being implemented since ,1 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (32% of OP allocation). ERDF FOR HIGHER EDUCATION & SCIENCE– 409,8 MILLION EUR
Results achieved – higher education and science 531 ERDF education and science projects approved and being implemented for total funding of 270 mln LVL. Higher education infrastructure projects will ensure up-to-date premises and equipment available for more than 30,8 thousand students studying in field of mathematics, natural sciences, agriculture and health care. EU funds ensures additional 20,82 million LVL (29,6 million EUR) per year for scientific staff salaries. For comparison: 2010 funding directly from the state budget – 7,9 million LVL (11,2 million EUR). In addition ERDF support promotes participation of Latvian scientists in international research projects, scientific conferences and international exhibitions, thus promoting international recognition of Latvian science and popularization of the achieved research results. 9 National level research centers are formed by 28 scientific institutions (≈ 20% of total number of Latvian research institutions) considering their quality of research activities, scientific potential and international competitiveness.
ERDF FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION – 96,8 MILLION EUR The upgrade of teaching equipment and the improvement of infrastructure for education programs ( ) – 93,5 million EUR Expected outcome: Finance progress: The upgrade of teaching equipment and the improvement of infrastructure for education programs ( ) – 93,5 million EUR Expected outcome: the infrastructure in 53 vocational schools has been improved (at least 10 educational institutions are adapted for disabled persons). Finance progress: 57 projects are being implemented since the end of 2010, and 7,4 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (8% of OP allocation). The upgrading and the development of Vocational education infrastructure and training equipment in prisons ( ) – 3,29 million EUR Expected outcome: Finance progress: The upgrading and the development of Vocational education infrastructure and training equipment in prisons ( ) – 3,29 million EUR Expected outcome: vocational training infrastructure will be improved in 8 prisons. Finance progress: One project is being implemented for all available funds. 50,2 thousand EUR are paid to beneficiary.
ERDF FOR GENERAL & INCLUSIVE EDUCATION – 64,3 MILLION EUR (part 1) Provision of material supplies for the efficient teaching of Natural Sciences ( ) – 30,87 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress: Provision of material supplies for the efficient teaching of Natural Sciences ( ) – 30,87 million EUR Outcome: It is expected that 216 general secondary schools will benefit from upgraded science rooms. Finance progress: 114 projects are being implemented. 18,49 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (60% of OP allocation). Support for optimization of general education network ( ) – 3,17 million EUR Outcome: Support for optimization of general education network ( ) – 3,17 million EUR Outcome: it is expected to create a well organized educational infrastructure, combining training institutions with the general education establishments. Finance progress: Finance progress: 4 projects are being implemented since 2010, and 823,3 thousand EUR are paid to beneficiaries (26% of OP allocation). Improvement of general education school infrastructure for students with functional impairments ( ) – 5,36 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress: Improvement of general education school infrastructure for students with functional impairments ( ) – 5,36 million EUR Outcome: 38 general education institutions will be adapted to students with functional disabilities till Currently there are improvement works in progress in 28 school; the work has been completed in 8 where facilities are now fully fitted for disabled people. Finance progress: 30 projects are supported by ERDF, and 2,43 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (46% of OP allocation).
ERDF FOR GENERAL & INCLUSIVE EDUCATION – 64,3 MILLION EUR (part 2) Informatization of education institutions ( ) – 17,3 million EUR Outcome: Finance progress: Outcome: 15,883 units of ICT to be purchased for educational institutions. Finance progress: Currently 114 projects are in progress in 725 general education and 42 vocational education institutions. Public procurement procedure is in progress. 13,2 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (76,2% of OP allocation). Improving infrastructure and equipment of Special Education Institutions ( ) – 7,56 million EUR Outcome: Outcome: It is expected that all 63 special education institutions will be provided with modern infrastructure and learning environment for students with special needs. Finance progress: Finance progress: Currently 40 projects are in progress and 4 completed. 2,84 million EUR are paid to beneficiaries (37,7% of OP allocation).
Results achieved – education Upgraded natural sciences classrooms in 216 general secondary schools are used by 32,7 thousand students of a secondary school, that is 67% of total number of students of a secondary school in Latvia. As from academic year 2011/2012 up-to-date ICT equipment will be available for 725 general education schools (that is more than 78% of total number of general education schools) and 42 vocational education schools. Using ERDF funding 8 general education institutions are fitted for disabled people. Improvement works are in progress in 28 school.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2010, EUR Fund Ministry target in Supplement al MoU Ministry target of payments to FB in 2010* The target 2010 reached % of MoU target reached % of Ministry target reached ESF ,73%95,79% ERDF ,16%101,98%
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2011, EUR Fund Ministry target in Supplemental MoU Ministry target of payments to FB in 2011 ESF ERDF
PAYMENTS TO FB forecast till (ERDF, cumulative million LVL)
Challenges, future actions National co-financing, advance payments, financial flows Additional funding necessity: for vocational education infrastructure improvement to complete vocational education reform for applied research project implementation, particularly to promote cooperation among research centers and enterprises, to attract qualified Latvian and foreign scientists working abroad to direct research projects involving young scientists back in their former home country
Thank You.