Application: TSDFEM (Thermal Stress Distribution in acrylic Fin by using Finite Element Analysis Methods) Dr. Ahmad AL-MALEH Eng. Iyad SBEIH Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology Damascus - Syria
TSDFEM “Purpose” To calculate temperature distribution and thermal stresses distribution around a different combination of heat resources inserted in acrylic cylindrical fin, by using Finite Element Analysis Method.
Specimen Half mirror Aperture He-Ne Laser 5.0mW, 632.8nm Expander 40 times Lens 1 CDD Video Camera Canon FV M10 Lens 2 0~30 volts Cartridge heater Thermo couples Keyence Temperature Input device
TSDFEM “One symmetric axis heat transfer problem” Acrylic Rigid Plate SRAUnit Thermal conductivity k0.21 W/m ℃ Linear expansion coefficient α7* *10 -5 cm/cm ℃ Specific heat C1.47 KJ/kg ℃ Young's modulus E MN/m Poisson's ratio ν0.355 Density ρ g/cm3 Experimental Stationary Temperature ℃ Experimental transient temperature 80
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation”
TSDFEM “Caustics photos of after heating” In case of one heaterIn case of two heaters
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern concept”
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern calculation”
General Bessel equation procedure
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation”
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern concept”
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation” Temperature Difference Thermal Forces Displacement Strain Actual Strain Thermal Stress
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation” Heat Distribution Calculation Steps Meshing the specimen Node (numbering, dimensions, relations,) Element( numbering, dimension, volume, area) Boundary conditionsTemperature InFluxFixed Nods Calculate the temperature value on each node
TSDFEM “Thermal stresses Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation” Thermal stresses Calculation requirements Use the last data of elements nodes and temperature distribution Calculate Thermal forces on each node DeformationStrainThermal strain Stresses distribution calculation Out-put data
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation” Stationary State Transient States
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation”
TSDFEM “In Case of two Heaters”
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution Measuring Results”
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation Validation”
TSDFEM “Heat Distribution 3D-FEM Calculation”
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern photos Vs Figures ” 30 sec 12 min 8 min 1 min
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern photos Vs Figures ” Elements number Perfect calculation
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern calculation problem ” Elements number Node number Data size increase Calculation time increase Perfect calculation Deformation info Temperature Dist. Thermal stress Dist.
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern calculation problem ” Elements number Node number Data size increase Calculation time increase Perfect calculation Deformation info Temperature Dist. Thermal stress Dist.
TSDFEM “Geometrical Input Data”
TSDFEM “The Concept of Parting Input Geometrical Data”
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern calculation problem ” Number of Element case 2 = N * Number of Elements case 1 Process Time in Case 2 Process Time in Case 1 Case 2Case 1
TSDFEM “Caustics pattern calculation problem ” Convergence erro Decrease the value Calculation time increase Perfect calculation Deformation info Temperature Dist. Thermal stress Dist.
TSDFEM “Success Story” -Dr. Ahmad had developed a program in Furtran language on a super machine in JAPAN. -Now we used “gfortran” on SL bit: Not sufficient: - Huge amount of data matrixes Memory over flow. - Variable’s order (#1e-32) 128bit real*16 - Big thanks to Mr. Roberto Intel fortran 128bit Compiler: - Variable size 128bit (#1e-35) - Huge amount of memory Use huge matrix
TSDFEM “Parallelization using the grid” - We used the parametric job. - Each split is a job. - Job files: - “”: The script file which calls the execution file. - “param.jdl”: The JDL-file of type parametric. - “force_test.out”: The execution file is compiled with the intel fortran. It takes 2 parameters 1 st is the current job number & 2 nd is the number of all the jobs (all splits).
TSDFEM “Parametric-job” - “” file: #!/bin/bash chmod +x force_test.out./force_test.out $1 $2 times hostname -f - “param.jdl” file: JobType = "Parametric"; Executable = ""; Arguments = "_PARAM_ 10"; InputSandbox = {"","force_test.out"}; Parameters = 10; ParameterStep = 1; ParameterStart = 1; StdOutput = "result_PARAM_.txt"; StdError = "error_PARAM_.txt"; OutputSandbox = {"result_PARAM_.txt","error_PARAM_.txt"}; ShallowRetryCount = 3;
TSDFEM “Parametric-job” - “”: Which generates the 2 previous files: #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 Fi end_index=$1 mkdir test$end_index mv force_test.out test$end_index # Creating the parametric jdl file : echo "JobType = \"Parametric\";" > test$end_index/param.jdl echo "Executable = \"\";" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "Arguments = \"_PARAM_ $end_index\";" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "InputSandbox = {\"\",\"force_test.out\"};" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "Parameters = $end_index;" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "ParameterStep = 1;" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "ParameterStart = 1;" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "StdOutput = \"result_PARAM_.txt\";" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "StdError = \"error_PARAM_.txt\";" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "OutputSandbox = {\"result_PARAM_.txt\",\"error_PARAM_.txt\"};" >> test$end_index/param.jdl echo "ShallowRetryCount = 3;" >> test$end_index/param.jdl # Creating the bash file : echo "#!/bin/bash" > test$end_index/ echo "chmod +x force_test.out" >> test$end_index/ echo "./force_test.out \$1 \$2" >> test$end_index/ echo "times" >> test$end_index/ echo "hostname -f" >> test$end_index/
TSDFEM “Submiting-job” $ glite-ws-job-submit –d -o param.jdl We have “” file which contains only one job-id: ###Submitted Job Ids### $ glite-ws-job-status -i ======================= glite-wms-job-status Success ===================== BOOKKEEPING INFORMATION: Status info for the Job : Current Status: Waiting Submitted: Sun Jul 11 19:16: CET ========================================================================== - Nodes information for: Status info for the Job : Current Status: Scheduled Status Reason: Job successfully submitted to Globus Destination: Submitted: Sun Jul 11 19:16: CET ========================================================================== …
TSDFEM “Retrieving-data” $ glite-ws-job-output -i --dir out. It works only if all jobs are finished. “out” folder: Contains folders as many as jobs number: - Node_1. - Node_2. -Node_3. …
TSDFEM “MetaData implementation” If one job is aborted or has a problem Block Solution: Using the MetaData for each job: Each job finishes his work & saves his data in SE. The script “” (the generator) uses MetaData to store all data needed to a set of jobs (parametric jobs) and passes these data to each job generated, then each job & when it finishes his work saves his result using the MetaData too. With this implementation we will have tables in MetaData of inputs & outputs with no need to care about the blocked jobs.
TSDFEM “metadata Scenario” Some SEs and a LFC on the Grid List of LFNs AMGA Server QUERY: All trailers having ‘Material’ as Genre Selected Input DATA Files
TSDFEM “MetaData implementation” Input Data Geometrical Data Cylindric heater radius Rin Acrylic fin radius Rout Acrylic fin thickness Boundary Condition Ambient Temperat ure Tout Heater Temperat ure Tin others Material Data Thermal coefficien t Young Module DensityHeatFlux Heat Flow Poisson Ratio Alpha
TSDFEM “MetaData implementation” Job 1--N Job X--N Job N-1 -- N InputData B.C GeometryMaterial YoungMoudul PoissonRatio Alpha Density SpeheatCoeff Thermal ConductionHeatFlux HeatFlow Boundary Condition Tin Tout Material Acrylic DataN N LFN Acrylic Material.TXT Geometry Rin Rout Z #mdcli ‘addentry Tin 100 Tou 25’ #mdcli ‘addentry YoungMoudul ’ #mdcli ‘addentry Rin 100 Rou 5 ’ # Lcf –cr # Mdcli ‘addentry N --- LFN ---’
TSDFEM “ Processing Time comparisons ” 10Sec 1Min Submission Job Time 25Sec 20Min Waiting job Time 25Min Running Job Time 25Sec 20Min Retrieving Data Time
TSDFEM “ Processing Time comparisons ” 10 jobs: 10sec : Submit 25sec : Wait 25sec : Schedule 25min : Run 25sec : Retrieve 26min 0.5H Fair calculations 100 jobs: 1min : Submit 2min : Wait 25min : Schedule 25min : Run 15min : Retrieve 67min 1H good calculations 1000 jobs: 5min : Submit 50min : Wait 60min : Schedule 25min : Run ??min : Retrieve >240min 4H Perfect calculations In serial : 1.74 days with good calculation
TSDFEM “Future steps” Manipulate the output data Radial Input data manipulation Multiple Input data manipulation
TSDFEM “Future steps” Graphical input data Different boundary: Force, pressure, heat,… Different boundary: Force, pressure, heat,… Graphical output data
TSDFEM “Future steps” HIAST FEM Package FEM Commercial Software HeatForceFluidHeatForce
TSDFEM “Implementation” Platform needed to apply the theory of TSDFEM
Data structure: Most of types must be in 64-bits. Other Matrixes 2D. Global constant & variables. TSDFEM “Implementation” Matrixes 2D..
Sub routines needed: Special operations over matrixes. TSDFEM “Implementation” Mathematical operations on matrixes with 64-bit.
Operations: TSDFEM “Implementation” Huge 64-bit operations # 40,000,000>. > # 10,000>
Practice: TSDFEM “Practice” Memory over flow Long time to process Programming language:
Solution: TSDFEM “Practice” Searching for real 64-bit platform. Using more memory for data structure.
Solution: TSDFEM “Practice” Manipulating object: Correctness of calculations: Related inversely with the altitude: Small altitude results more correct. Heaters
Solution: TSDFEM “Practice” Dividing the cylinder into discs: Heaters … Discs Each Disc will be a job:
Practice: TSDFEM “Conclusion” Programming language: Not a real 64-bit Precision order needed 1e-32 Results not very good Looking for a real 64-fortran compiler.
Practice: TSDFEM “Conclusion” Programming language: : Real 64-bit Results very good Compiling one times & diffuse the execution file.
Timing: TSDFEM “Practice” 1 thin disk #25minutes = 1 job. 10 cm as altitude of a cylinder 1000 jobs: In serial mode : 25 * 1000 = 25000m ≈ days In parallel mode: #1m : Submission. 10 – 20 minutes : Waiting & Scheduling. 25m : Running. 20m : Retrieving Data = 66m Ξ 1Hour only