INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Getting EGEE closer to Businesses Douglas McKinley, EGEE Industry Forum
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI The EGEE project EGEE –Started in April 2004 –2 nd phase (EGEE-II) started in April 2006, with 91 partners in 32 countries, federated in regional Grids Objectives –Large-scale, production-quality grid infrastructure for e-Science –Attracting new resources and users from industry as well as science –Maintain and further improve “gLite” Grid middleware
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI What does EGEE Grid deliver? -over 20,000 CPU plus 5 Petabytes (5million Gigabytes) of storage, 20,000 concurrent jobs on average -a seamless infrastructure available to users 24 hours/day, 7 days/week -continuous monitoring of grid services & automated site configuration & management -quality OS middleware with technical training & support demanding scientific research now stimulating advances in the EGEE Grid that can be transferred to industry, government & healthcare with enormous potential return
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Mapping EGEE to Industry EGEE Grid has more than 20 applications in 7 domains, including -Financial Simulation (E-Grid) -Life Sciences: Bio-Informatics & Medical Imaging -Multimedia -Material Sciences A number of large enterprises, banks & insurance groups intend to adopt the EGEE Grid first as Intranet Grid to optimise inter-site infrastructure & improve efficiency of existing resources -Focus on security aspects priority for this type of deployment Current & Potential EGEE Grid Take-UP -Aerospace, Automotive, Government, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Financial Services, Media & Telecommunications, Petroleum
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI What EGEE can offer your Business A flagship European project operating on a global scale –Access to a team of grid experts with proven deployment experience Environment to gridify applications & get operations experience –Demonstrate them to your customers & bosses Production quality middleware –Distributed under a business friendly open source license and supported by a large community Evolutionary path to emerging grid standards –Backward-compatible upgrades Visibility: ~200 sites in 40 countries, ~ 100 Virtual Organisations –An excellent shop-window for your products, services and expertise
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE Business Partners CS-SI (France) –Responsible for Quality Assurance and operation of Regional Operation Centre –Serving customers in the plastics industry (SMEs), large companies (CNES gLite prototype, etc.) and Fusion community DATAMAT (Italy) –gLite middleware development & testing –Grid expertise at service of Finmeccanica group (aerospace, defence, security) Metaware (Italy) –Dissemination and outreach to Businesses and Industry –Leads the Industry Forum and organises Industry Events Signatories of the project contract with responsibilities in EGEE
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE Industry Forum Mission –Two-way communication between Industry and EGEE For Industry: learn about EGEE and latest developments in the Grid field For EGEE: learn about industrial requirements, ensuring EGEE’s industrial relevance Members –Led by Metaware to improve Grid take-up in Industry –Representatives in most European countries –>200 individual members, ~ 100 institutes, ~20 sectors Activities –Dedicated section on EGEE web portal, geared towards the interest and needs of industry –Organises meetings and industry events Sign up as EGEE community member or contact Douglas McKinley,
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE Industry Task Force Members –Business partners in the project (CS, DATAMAT, Metaware) –Representatives from industrial applications on the EGEE infrastructure or making use of gLite middleware –Links with related business-led projects Activities –Orchestrates support within EGEE for business applications –Interact with EGEE’s Technical Coordination Group (TCG) to place industry requirements on equal footing with scientific applications –Ensure that EGEE-II is aware of industrial requirements contact Gabriel Zaquine,
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE Business Associates Opportunity to work on joint-interest subjects –Technical developments, Market Surveys, Business modelling & Exploitation strategies, Transfer of know-how and services to industry NICE –Developing EGEE compatible GENIUS Grid portal and EnginFrame Platform Computing –Making gLite middleware better exploit the LSF local resources management system PricewaterhouseCoopers –Collaborating on security policies and approaches contact Hannelore Hämmerle, First wave of EGEE Business Associates announced at EGEE’06 Conference September 2006 (NICE, Platform Computing)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE and CERN openlab project Linked to EGEE –Via the Grid interoperability & integration centre (GCC) and platform competence centre (PCC) Example: HP sponsored event –What is required of gLite on QA, certification & maturity for it to be handed over to the industry? –What could be the killer applications for the Grid? CERN openlab is contributing to the EGEE programme of work
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Industry Forum Steering Committee (IFSC ) -Collaborates closely with Industry Forum -Made up of EGEE-II project partners & industry experts. -IFSC members active in different Grid sectors & provide feedback on industry related topics to EGEE –Contributes & offers expert advice providing case studies, presentations, speakers names and participants for the organisation of EGEE events –Actively takes part in EGEE industry based events such as Industry Days and EGEE Conferences. To find out more about the EGEE-II Industry Forum Steering Committee contact : Douglas McKinley,
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Industry Related Events OGF20 May 2007 Manchester UK EGEE User Forum May 2007 – Research and Business Applications EGEE’07 – Budapest, Autumn 2007 EGEE’06 – Geneva September 2006, 700+ participants & dedicated business track EGEE Industry Days -Paris France April Petroleum industry to experiment on GILDA (Total UK) -Cambridge UK May Qi3 producing TME Report on SME take-up of Grid -Ischia, Italy July % of attendants from SME/industry, -Catania, Italy 100+ European participants -Helsinki (IST2006) - Bioinfomratics
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Training and User Support EGEE-II provides user support from first contact through to production usage. Expert-led Training (from installation to admin) Documentation via a Digital Library Expertise in Grid-enabling applications Online helpdesk Networking events (User forum, conferences, events for industry, etc) Current Events: Brendan Hamill, NESC, Ruediger Berlich, FZK,
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Example Business Applications on EGEE EGEODE –Business application from Companie Generale de Geophysique running on EGEE infrastructure Seismic processing platform Based on industrial application Geocluster© used at CGG Being ported to EGEE for Industry and Academia OpenPlast project –French R&D programme to develop and deploy Grid platform for plastic industry (SMEs) –Based on experience from EGEE (supported by CS) –Next: Interoperability with other Grids
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI Example Business Applications on EGEE -GridWiseTech -Development of EGEE LCG API & web portal with user-friendly access to EGEE infrastructure -GridWiseTech client used resources to create new medical device, -Saving time & reaching higher quality already at the prototype stage
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE06 Capitalising on e-Science to make e-Business
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI EGEE Community Members EGEE Industry Forum is Creating an active Industry Community in Grid Be a part of this community; Register at –Upload a profile, and areas of interest on the Community members’ area; –Register to Future Industry days in 2006 include: Biomedical Challenges, 24 Nov 2006, Helsinki, FI; potentially Budapest HU, 29 November 2006; –View other member and contact them ; –Find out how to get more involved with Industry - learn about EGEE ; –Read the regular newsletters for updates; –Pose a question to the User Forum and request advice from fellow ;