WE SORT, NOT SELL Very interestedWant to think about itNot Interested 10%80%10% 2
HOW TO BUILD YOUR TEAM Acquire Customers Pique Interest Invite to a Presentation Present the ACN Business
KNOW YOUR ROLE NEW IBOS Pique Interest Invite to a Presentation New Independent Business Owners: Pique Interest and Invite
KNOW YOUR ROLE EXPERIENCED IBOs Experienced Independent Business Owners: Present and Acquire Acquire Customers Present the ACN Business
INVITE PROSPECT TO A PRESENTATION TYPES OF PRESENTATIONS: One on One/Two on One Presentations In Home/PBR Presentation BOM/Weekly Presentation
ONE ON ONE/TWO ON ONE PRESENTATIONS Anywhere, Any time, Any place You, Prospect and Presenter 1 7
IN HOME/PBR PRESENTATION Also called PBRs or Private Business Receptions Most effective way to present the ACN Business 2 8
Pick a presentation date/time that works both for you and the presenter Start piquing and inviting 1 2 SCHEDULE YOUR FIRST PBR IN HOME PRESENTATION RIGHT AWAY 9
Don’t prejudge Learn inviting scripts Practice, practice, practice Invite (have someone listen to you) THE BASICS Create a growing contact list/ memory jogger SW/SW/SW…Next 10
TIPS Urgency and Excitement Fact Tell…Stories Sell Be a great listener — speak less Ask questions — find out their why Be focused Have excellent posture, vision and conviction
SAMPLE INVITING SCRIPTS PIQUING INTEREST EXAMPLES Are you looking at something outside of what you are currently doing? 13 Do you look at other ways of making money? Are you open to diversifying your income? Can I get your opinion about something?
EXAMPLE 1 14 “I just saw something I’m very interested in. It may or may not be for you, however I’m having a few of my closest friends over to take a look at it. We’re getting together at (Time/ Location). Would you do me a favor and stop by?”
IF THEY ASK QUESTIONS “I was just introduced to it myself so I’d rather not try to explain it.You really need to see this in the same way I did. Based on our relationship, would you do me a favor and stop by to take a look?” ENTHUSIASM 15 URGENCY +=+= GREAT RESULTS
CHARITY SAMPLE SCRIPT 16 “I just saw something I’m really excited about and I thought of you. Not only can you earn extra money, but you are also helping feed children in need. Trust me, knowing you the way that I do, I’m sure you are going to want to hear about this! I’m having a few of my closest friends over tonight to take a look at it. We’re getting together at (Time/Location). Can I count on your support?
REMEMBER As a new IBO, you should only be piquing and inviting Enthusiasm & Urgency = Great Results! Do not get into a question/ answer session or try explaining anything Look for the red apples: Sort — don’t sell! Let the presentation/ experienced IBO present for you Confirm all invited guests prior to the presentation 17
Customer referrals can become IBOs Prospects who say no can refer IBOs Customers can become IBOs Ask for people’s help — Who do you know? 18 WHO DO YOU KNOW?
PBR/IN HOME PRESENTATION CHECKLIST DVD Ready & Tested Phones Off Hook Kids in Bed/Babysitter Animals Outside Documents on Table 1-10 Overview Sheet, IBO Agreements, Training Flyers, Pen on Clipboard Personal Customer Survey Link Simple Snacks No Alcohol Cool Room Temperature Upbeat Music (Before and After) Sign In Sheet 19
ROLE OF THE HOST / TEAM ETIQUETTE Dress appropriately Arrive early — before guests Start on time — end on time Welcome guests: Turn off cell phones, hold all questions until the end Introduce guests to all other IBOs Keep the mood upbeat and positive Do NOT apologize for “no shows” Edify the speaker Sit through the presentation! Take notes! Don’t interrupt the speaker 20
SORTING AFTER PRESENTATION Are You Ready To Get Started? YESQUESTIONSNO Sign up as an IBOPromote Training!Thank Them! Pencil In Home Meeting Date Promote Training! Sign Up As A Customer Promote Saturday Training Get A Referral! DVD 21
AFTER THE PRESENTATION How to answer most questions: That’s a great question, idea, etc… All that will be covered in the training. Get your prospects involved in training. Your success depends on it! 22
Look great! ¡Feel great! ¡Live great! ®