Hello from Northern Ireland Dr. Marleen Collins: Educational Consultant (Early Years and Special Needs) Mary O’Reilly: International Team Leader
The largest organisation in Northern Ireland working with and for young children Welcome to Early Years
Background Formed in 1965 – 50 years old Evolutionary development from quantity ˃ quality ˃ outcomes Strong cross community and community development organisation committed to children’s rights Lead voluntary organisation in relation to children 0-12 and their families
Background 173 full and part time staff offering Early Years Specialist support, Sure Start services, training and community development capacity building Operating in Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Eastern Europe and Internationally.
Key Facts 1,200 member groups in Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland 30,000 children and families served every day 10,000 staff employed across the sector.
Policy Context Minimum Standards, Shared Education, Learning to Learn, Bright Start, Traveller Framework
Early Years Vision Children are: Strong, competent and visible in their communities Physically and emotionally healthy Eager and able to learn Respectful of difference
Early Years Values We believe in: Childhood – in its own right Listening to children – and those who care for them A strong voice for children Play, fun and creativity Parents as first educators Participation of children and families Community involvement and development Inclusion and diversity Excellence and evidence-based innovation Effective stewardship and governance A professional, committed and recognised workforce Valuing staff, members and their commitment
Early Years Provides A team of highly qualified Early Years Specialists working with our members A team of HighScope Training and Development Workers who support settings to implement the HighScope approach A team of Early Years Trainers Community Capacity Development Workers
Early Years Provides An accreditation service for early years settings A lead role in the support and development of Sure Start services for 0-4s and their families across Northern Ireland A Corporate Services team which provides support and advice on a range of financial, human resources and administrative issues,
Early Years Provides An Information, Research and Publication service providing a range of information services including updates of recent national and international research A consultancy service which provides advice, training and support on a range of strategic, policy and lobbying issues related to early years Specialist support and advice to develop appropriate childcare solutions in rural communities.
Early Years Early Years is committed to working in partnership with the community, voluntary, independent and statutory sectors to promote the development of high quality early years services for all children.
Current International Activity
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