Office of the Chief Information Officer National Laboratory Information Technology Summit Chicago Il May 2008 Department of Energy Enterprise-Wide Agreement (EWA) Program Program Overview Kevin Cooke Associate CIO, IT Corporate Management
Office of the Chief Information Officer 2 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Agenda The Challenge Meeting the Challenge What is an EWA? Benefits of EWAs Cost Savings from Current EWAs Outreach Summary and Next Steps
Office of the Chief Information Officer 3 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: The Challenge Today Decentralized approach: Negotiations and pricing, contract management Multiple configurations Inconsistent tools/versions Disparate technology support Little incentive for vendors to compete on small individual purchases Future Centralized enterprise agreement: negotiated price, contract efficiencies, compliance and interoperability Supports DOE architecture with a capability focus Configuration management Offers standard suite of tools
Office of the Chief Information Officer 4 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Meeting the Challenge The DOE Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) established the Enterprise Wide Agreement (EWA) program to consolidate IT contracts for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software. The EWA program mission is to develop and implement policies and procedures supporting the identification, acquisition, oversight and compliance of enterprise licenses. EWA Program Objectives: Leverage the buying power of the DOE complex to maximize price reductions Streamline the IT acquisition lifecycle to minimize administrative costs
Office of the Chief Information Officer 5 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: What is an EWA? / Benefits Use buying power to negotiate volume discounts Reduce administrative effort by eliminating repetitive, individual orders and payments Ensure standard terms & conditions and supplier price uniformity Achieve improved configuration management and greater standardization Improve knowledge sharing of IT acquisition best practices Benefits of a Unified Approach: What is an Enterprise-Wide Agreement? A Department-wide agreement, available to all Program Offices, Field Offices, Site Offices, and M&O Contractors, that aggregates enterprise IT requirements [including hardware, software, and related services] onto a single contract vehicle. Benefits of using EWAs:
Office of the Chief Information Officer 6 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Current EWAs Current DOE Enterprise-Wide Agreements ProductSeller/ResellerType of Business* Viac3ViackSB Lexis/Nexis LB Red HatDLT SolutionsSB AutonomyMicrolinkSB Adobe ASARS (ASRC) ASAP Softmart SB Entrust LB Lumension/ SanctuaryLumensionSB OracleDLT SolutionsSB MicrosoftASARS (ASRC)SB *SB: Small Business, LB: Large Business
Office of the Chief Information Officer 7 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Cost Savings / Impact Lumension: Sanctuary ELA – 70% off list price, 63% off GSA schedule price Over $3M saved. 90,000 licenses distributed in first two months Red Hat: BPA – 50% off list price, 38% off GSA schedule price Viack: Via3 Videoconference & Collaboration BPA – 22% off list price, 19% off GSA schedule price Adobe: BPA – 15% price reduction over prior DOE purchases Example Cost Savings From Recent EWAs:
Office of the Chief Information Officer 8 Internet & Intranet Roundtables & Conferences Newsletters & Newsflashes EWA IPT Quarterly Meetings EWA Working Groups Other Communities of Interest Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Outreach
Office of the Chief Information Officer 9 Enterprise-Wide Agreement Program: Summary and Next Steps Join the EWA IPT Learn about potential acquisitions Collaborate with others on needs identification & requirements analysis Share lessons learned & best practices Foster the partnership between DOE organizations, Program Offices, Field Offices, Site Offices, and M&O Contractors, vendors, and end users Contact us at: or
Office of the Chief Information Officer 10 Backup Slides
EWA Process & Customer/Stakeholder Involvement IdentificationAcquisition StrategyImplementation Customers ID Potential EWA candidates from: EA Target Arch. Legislative Reqs. IT Council Stakeholder Inquiries Develop EWA draft strategy including: Background & Need Terms & Conditions Funding Commitments Plan of Action and Milestones Contract Award EWA Team EWA IPT/ Ad-hoc WGs IM-10 Mgmt MA Procurement Information Dissemination to stakeholders: Status & Updates Final Contract Contract POCs Information Dissemination to DOE Sr. Mgmt.: Status & Updates Accomplishments / Impact Procurement Advisors Profiling Requirements Analysis Including: Vendor Information Market Analysis Competitive Analysis Current DOE Footprint Select? Yes Response to Stakeholder No Selection Review and Approve Acquisition Strategy Utilize Contract Vehicle 11 Recommendation to Proceed
Office of the Chief Information Officer 12 Strategic Sourcing: Where does the EWA Program Fit? Strategic Sourcing Information Technology Office Supplies Scientific Supplies Tools Paper Products “Strategic Sourcing is the collaborative and structured process of critically analyzing an organization’s spending and using this information to make business decisions about acquiring commodities and services more effectively and efficiently.” >>>>>Commodities Information Technology Hardware/Software OMB, May 2005
Office of the Chief Information Officer 13 Strategic Sourcing: Aligning the EWA Program Alignment to the EWSS Program: Treating enterprise software licenses as “commodities”, the EWA program promotes a purpose similar to the EWSS program, which is to ensure improved efficiencies and economies in the Department’s acquisition process. The EWA program specifically focuses on software and endorsing the long-term objective of the EWSS to transform the Department’s IT acquisition process from a tactical and reactive function to a strategically driven function ensuring maximum value for every acquisition dollar expended on IT. The EWA program will enhance IT purchasing coordination across the Department’s procurement offices to leverage purchase volumes and ensure supplier price uniformity for comparable goods and services for IT software.