Butte County Climate Action Plan Contract for Services December 11, 2012 Butte County Department of Development Services Tim Snellings, Director
Actions Requested Approve a contract agreement with Pacific Municipal Consultants for the preparation of a Climate Action Plan in an amount not to exceed $209,276 and authorize the Chair to sign subject to review by County Counsel and the Auditor-Controller. Approve a budget adjustment of $223,522 to cover contract and misc. costs (printing, F&W fees, meetings, etc.).
Why is a Climate Action Plan Necessary? State Law – to meet the requirements of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) to reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG) General Plan Policy –Conservation and Open Space Policy COS-A1.1 requires the preparation of a Climate Action Plan to achieve reductions of GHG consistent with State Guidelines. Mitigation under GP 2030 EIR – as a means to mitigate environmental impacts under CEQA
From: Executive Summary, Climate Change Scoping Plan, A Framework for Change, December 2008 “On September 27, 2006, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Núñez, Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006). The event marked a watershed moment in California’s history. By requiring in law a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, California set the stage for its transition to a sustainable, clean energy future. This historic step also helped put climate change on the national agenda, and has spurred action by many other states.”
From Butte County General Plan 2030 Figure COS -1
Other Benefits of a Climate Action Plan Supports Butte County Sustainability Report findings presented to the Board on August 14, 2012 Encourages the efficient use of energy, harnessing renewable energy, promoting recycling programs and sustainable transportation Supports energy independence, keeping dollars in the local economy, creating jobs and technology Positions the County to be more fiscally sound as traditional forms of energy become less available and more expensive to purchase Demonstrates Butte County’s regional leadership in innovation and sustainability
Additional General Plan 2030 Goal and Policies (partial listing) Addressing Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Pacific Municipal Consultants Will carry-out a process for and draft a Climate Action Plan in conjunction with Development Services Staff consisting of: – Climate Action Plan Organization and Format – Detailed Inventory of Current GHG Emissions – Identify and Evaluate Emission Reduction Measures – Environmental Review (EIR Addendum or Supplemental EIR) – Community Engagement (two Community-wide open house meetings) – Develop Administrative and Public Review Draft CAPs – Develop Final Action Plan – Meetings with Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors
Pacific Municipal Consultants Will include monitoring and reporting tools that will help staff perform annual evaluation and tracking of emission reduction measures Will include tools and a process to assess future project’s consistency with the Climate Action Plan, which will streamline project processing
Pacific Municipal Consultants: Optional Tasks Contingency Budget 1.Inventory of Local Government Actions to help supplement existing inventory, which does not include County Government operations 2.Trip Reduction Visualization Tool to visually demonstrate trip reduction strategies 3.Supplemental EIR to provide for CEQA compliance if approach for EIR Addendum (already part of the base contract) is not adequate. 4.In order to provide funds for unanticipated expenses such as the need to hold additional community open houses ($4, each), staff meetings ($1, for each) and Board and Planning Commission meetings ($ for each), moneys may be used from the contingency budget.
CAP Schedule January 2013 through December 2014 January 2013 Initial work meeting with County Staff April-May Targeted Stakeholder Meetings August 2013 EIR Addendum Public Review August - September 2013 Public Review of Draft CAP May and September Community-Wide Open House Meetings October 2013 Planning Commission Hearing on Draft CAP December 2013 Board of Supervisors Hearing on Final Draft CAP
Conclusion - Actions Requested Approve a contract agreement with Pacific Municipal Consultants for the preparation of a Climate Action Plan in an amount not to exceed $209,276 and authorize the Chair to sign subject to review by County Counsel and the Auditor-Controller. Approve a budget adjustment of $223,522 to cover contract and misc. costs (printing, F&W fees, meetings, etc.).