Setting the scene – the local picture in Camden and Islington Christine Harding Health Professional Engagement Facilitator - Camden March 2016
Cancer in the UK
In 2013, 280,000 new diagnoses in the UK 80,000 additional cases in 2030 Incidence of cancer is increasing by approx 1.7% per year
More than one in four deaths (29%) were caused by cancer in the UK in combined/#Cancer4http:// combined/#Cancer4. Original Data Sources: Office for National Statistics * Except males aged Cancer is the leading cause of death from illness in every age group
Cancer survival If England’s cancer survival rates were the same as the European average, 5,000 lives would be saved every year and 10,000 if England was same as best in Europe.
Why do you think survival is lower in the UK?
Does stage of diagnosis have an effect on survival?
Survival rates are improving: half of people with cancer now survive 10 or more years
Cancer in Camden & Islington Cancer incidence rate – is lower in Camden and higher in Islington, compared to England 4,003 people living in Camden have had a diagnosis of cancer On average, 824 people were diagnosed with cancer in Camden each year The most common cancers in Camden are breast, prostate, bowel and lung cancer. 3,478 people living in Islington have had a diagnosis of cancer On average 711 people were diagnosed with cancer in Islington each year The most common cancers in Islington are breast, bowel, lung and prostate cancer. Significantly lower incidence of breast cancer in Islington than England Higher incidence of lung cancer in Islington (although not significantly different) Significantly lower incidence of urological cancer in Camden than England
Cancer is the biggest cause of premature death in Camden and Islington (under 75s) Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer death, followed by bowel and breast cancer Camden Islington Cancer deaths by cancer type Mortality in Camden
1 year cancer survival by CCGs – all cancers
Your local population
Deprivation 24% of Camden’s Lower Super output areas (LSOAs) are in the 20% most deprived nationally Index of multiple deprivation 2010
Ethnicity Nearly 35% of Camden’s and 31% of Islington’s overall population are estimated to be from a minority ethnic background. The Black and minority ethnic population in Camden and Islington is young which highlights the opportunity for improving health through preventative services In seven of Camden’s wards, Bangladeshis form the largest minority group. 42% of people living in Finsbury Park (registered with a GP) classify themselves as BME (this is highest in Ilsington) The most commonly spoken languages after English are: in Camden - Bengali (13%), French (8%) and Spanish (6%); in Islington - Turkish (3%), Bengali, Somali, Spanish (each 2%) and French (1%)
Is there anything about your populations which could have an impact on early diagnosis of cancer?
The good news!
S The Stage at Diagnosis metric shows the proportion of 10 cancers diagnosed in each quarter that are recorded as presenting as an early stage case, i.e., stage 1 or 2 as opposed to stage 3, 4, or unknown – Time Trend Source: Camden CCG Feb 2016
The Emergency Presentation metric shows the estimated proportion of all malignant cancers which present as an emergency – Time Trend Source: Camden CCG Feb 2016
Your local services signposting patients
Where are the drop in services for cervical smears? Archway Sexual Health Clinic Archway Centre Holloway Road London N19 5SE t: (appointments and enquiries) Crowndale Health Centre Women's Health Services Crowndale Health Centre 59 Crowndale Road London NW1 1TN t: Hunter Street Health Centre 8 Hunter Street London WC1N 1BN t: f: Margaret Pyke Centre 73 Charlotte Street London W1T 4PL t: Finsbury Health Centre Pine Street London EC1 0JH t: Angel Medical Practice 34 Ritchie Street London N1 0DG t:
Where do women go for breast screening ? Camden - Kentish Town Health Centre Islington - The Whittington Hospital