Your learning objective for this process Schedule a Student Led Conference with a parent or guardian Share portfolio of your work in each subject area Share strengths, challenge areas and goals Success Criteria: Schedule an appointment for a student led conference Prepare your materials for student led conferences.
You will create a portfolio that explains your progress in your classes You WILL NEED your laptop to share this with your parents BRING YOUR LAPTOP to your conference
Student Name
Number of days absent so far this year: Number of times tardy so far this year: What are your attendance/on time goals?
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
Things I do well Things I could do differently
During instruction During independent work time During group work time Assignment completion Explain, justify, and create new behavior goals
Describe best work here Reflection Why you chose it What you did well What you could do differently next time you have a similar assignment/project What you learned
After looking at my grades, I feel… I am proud of… I will change... I would like my teachers to know… I will keep doing...
"My high school education is preparing me for my first career as _______, earning _______, which requires _________ after graduating from high school."