Presented By: Kishor Kumar Bharti (410089) & Ganesh Pahade (410090) IPV6
Contents… 1. History of The Internet Protocol 2. Limitation of IPV4 3. About IPV4 & IPV6 4. Features of IPV6 5. IPV6 Addressing 6. Types of IPV6 Addresses 7. Software Supported 8. Conclusion
Internet : “Network of Network” & Protocol : “Set of rules that used to controlling something.” So….IP defines as the principal communication protocol used for relaying network packets across internet using IP suit.
Versions of Internet-Protocol Ipv-4 The first major version of IP was IPv4 (Internet protocol version 4), is the dominant protocol of the internet. Ipv-4 developed in Total of 4 billion IP addresses available in Ipv-4.
Why Ipv-6 introduced….?
Ipv-6 introduced to overcome the problems of Ipv-4… 1.Space problem IPv4 allows for 2 32 = 4,294,967,296 addresses
2. The ability of Internet backbone routers to maintain large routing tables. 3. The need for simpler configuration. There are routinely over 85,000 routes in the routing tables of Internet backbone routers today.
Ipv-6 made by Some changes in Ipv-4…
Ipv-6 IPV6 design started in 1993 when IETF forecasts showed IPv4 depletion between 2010 and 2017 Completed, tested, and available for production since 1999 Total of 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 approx. 6.5 billon IP addresses available
Types of IPV-6 Addresses AnycastMulticastUnicast
1. Unicast Address Identifies a single interface within the scope of the type of address, packets addressed to a Unicast address are delivered to a single interface.
2. Multicast Address Identifies zero or more interfaces, packets addressed to a multicast address are delivered to all interfaces identified by the address.
3. Anycast Address Identifies zero or more interfaces, packets addressed to a multicast address are delivered to all interfaces identified by the address
Features of Ipv-6 1. New header format 2. Large address space 3. Efficient and hierarchical addressing & routing 4. Stateless and stateful address Configuration 5. Built-in security 6. Better support for OS 7. New protocol for neighboring node interaction 8. Extensibility
Header in Ipv-6
Ipv-6 Addressing Syntax 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A 21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A Compressing Zeros FE80:0:0:0:2AA:00FF:FE9A:4CA2 FE80::2AA:FF:FE9A:4CA2
Comparison b/w Ipv-4 & Ipv-6
Security The protocol for IP encryption and authentication, forms an integral part of the base protocol suite in IPv6. IP packet header support is necessary in IPv6,this is unlike IPv4,where it is optional. Built-in in IPv6, unlike is built-on in IPv4.
Software & Support Any modern operating system has IPv6 support. Most common applications and tools have IPv6 support: 1. Apache 2. Instrument landing system 3. File transfer protocol 4. Opera 5. Mozilla fire-fox 6. Windows media player and more… Some applications need to be re-compiled.
Conclusion IPv6 is NEW … built on the experiences learned from IPv4 new features large address space new efficient header auto configuration … and OLD still IP build on a solid base started in 1995, a lot of implementations and tests done