Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan International Research Center for Information Security Network Security (ICE 615) Term Project – 2002 Autumn
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 2 Mobile Devices
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 3 Demand for Mobility
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 4 Mobile IP solves the following problems: If node moves from one link to another without changing its IP address, it will be unable to receive packets at the new link If a node changes its IP address when it moves, it will have to terminate and restart any ongoing communications each time it moves Mobil IP solves these problems in secure, robust, and medium-independent manner whose scaling properties make it applicable throughout the entire Internet
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 5 Example Internet Home Agent R R R Home network A Network B Network C Corresp. Node C R Router
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 6 Triangle Routing (Mobile IPv4) Internet Corresp. Node C initiates communication with Mobile Node and sends packets to MN‘s home address Home Agent intercepts packets and forward them to the Mobile Node (proxy functionality) Mobile Node replies directly to Corresp. Node C Home Agent R Mobile Node R R Network B Network C Network A Corresp. Node C
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 7 Internet Mobile Node sends Binding Update Home Agent replies with Binding Acknowledgement Home Agent Mobile Node R R R Network B Network C Network A Corresp. Node C Mobile Node registers at its Home Agent
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 8 Internet Mobile Node sends Binding Updates to Home Agent and all Corresp. Nodes, which already received a previous Binding Update from this Mobile Node Home Agent R R R R Network B Network C Network A Network D Corresp. Node C Mobile IPv6 Roaming
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 9 Binding Updates Mobile IPv6 creates a new class of messages called binding updates that confirm the identity of a device as it moves to a new location Binding updates are a shortcut designed to speed wireless communications that use IPv6 Once the binding update is authenticated, communications go straight to the new location without passing through the home address
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 10 Security Requirements for Binding Updates Authentication is a must. Minimize number of messages and bytes exchanged. Not too computationally intensive for mobile nodes. Resist denial-of-service attacks. No weaker than Mobile IPv4.
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 11 Reasons for choosing this topic (1/2) Mobile IP working group planned to use the existing protocol IP Security (IPSec) to secure binding update messages But the IETF's security experts recently announced that IPSec will not work for these messages for two reasons –IPSec depends on a public-key infrastructure that has not yet been deployed. –The key management component of IPSec requires heavy processing by end devices.
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 12 Reasons for choosing this topic (2/2) Using IPsec to Protect Mobile IPv6 Signaling between Mobile Nodes and Home Agents –draft-ietf-mobileip-mipv6-ha-ipsec-00.txt –20 September 2002 Mobility Support in IPv6 –draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-18.txt –1 June 2002 A great deal of attention is being focused on making Mobile IP coexist with the security features coming into use within the Internet
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 13 Goal of this project Study Mobile IP Study security issues with respect to –Mobile IPv4 –Mobile IPv6 Study current drafts relating to Mobile IP Security Propose new ideas to improve the Mobile IP Security
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 14 Security issues The sender of the BU is easily authenticated Protection of Binding Updates both to home agents and correspondent nodes, and the protection of tunnels, home address information, and routing instructions in data packets Signaling between the mobile node and the home agent requires message integrity, correct ordering and replay protection
8 th October 2002Mobile IP Security Konidala M. Divyan 15 One of the open issue Authorization for the MR to manage mobility of the entire network But same problem with respect to MNs: –a MN needs to be authorized to send a BU for a home address –a MR needs to be authorized to send a BU for a network prefix –this is presently discussed at the IETF