Recruitment Strategies Ana Zambie HEP Madison Area Technical College Technical Assistance Conference Miami FL September 23-24, 2010
GED Needs Desire to succeed Motivation to work hard Ability to try Determined Academic Level
Quantity vs Quality Ask the right questions Goals in the future Availability Level of interest Academic Assessments TABE SABE GED Pre-tests Other
Where are the good ones? Who are your students in other ABE or ESL classes? Establishing a recruitment plan Research your local agriculture Hiring the right person
The Dream Team What’s your territory to recruit in? Is the recruiter also a teacher or other position in the program? Will they need extra help in the high season????? What makes a successful recruiter? Accountability, motivating, positive, organized, bilingual, social
Record good data Student files should hold all the information you need to help support the student, prepare them to graduate and eventually place them. Applications, Education Plans, work history, assessment scores, family responsibilities etc. What is in your student database?
How do you know who will be successful? Rosa is a single mom who contacted the office about getting her GED in Spanish. She was unemployed when she applied but has a history of temporary farm work and scored 12.9 in Lectura, a4.9 in Math and a 2 on her essay. She showed up on time to every recruitment appointment and provided all the necessary documents to be admitted into the program. She said she has childcare with a friend and ride to class with her boyfriend. She is very motivated and participates well in class. Javier is a young man working 2 jobs with no set schedule from week to week. He scored 12.9 in Lectura and 12.9 in Matematicas and his essay was a 4. He came to class a few times in the beginning but because of work only attends class once a week or doesn’t show at all. He takes a long time to return calls and always has an excuse for not going to class or testing.
Strategies Partnerships Job Centers UMOS- United Migrant Opportunity Services DPI- Migrant Education Program (MEP) Community Organizations Referrals, presentations Visits Camps Employer orientations Farms and job sites Markets
Strategies (cont.) Recruiting inside your institution Contacting all ESL Instructors Workshops for Latino community HEP question on registration form districtwide
Strategies (cont.) Recruiting from graduates and students! Marketing Radio Interviews Ads in newspapers and conferences Presentations in Fiestas, etc.
Referrals To CAMP programs To other HEP programs WIA-167 program
Conclusion Collaboration Future strategies