Jacob Kahler
The cost of war has constantly been rising since the beginning of time more and more countries owe many debts to other for borrowing money from them and also paying for the equipment destroyed.
No matter where a war is some soldier from some army has to travel no matter where or when the war is. When war occurs soldiers will be sent to a place where they will fight against an enemy no one knows about.
The US have spent over 1.5 trillion dollars in the war to Iraq and Afghanistan. 94% of people in Iraq and Afghanistan have never heard of 9/11 in the US. The US owes billions of dollars to other countries from borrowing to continue the war. US has over 50,000 soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The US have had many die for the service of our country. Here is a chart showing the lives we lost and the total amount of US soldiers lost during all wars. Total=604,505 Soldiers have died totally from the Revolutionary war to The Afghanistan War.
There are always two sides to a war two sides that have different stories for why they are fighting. The defenders side is called this because they are looked at as fighting for their homeland and to safe their people from destruction. The attackers side is called that because they look to destroy the defenders homeland. But sometimes it’s the other way around.
There is no use fighting for peace without war, because as it was said “Without war there cannot be peace.” So war will always be part of mans past present and future.