The Interpretation of Body Language Business Communication 英國語文學系三甲 ( ) 周金華 (Ivan Chou)
Body Language 1 Interpretation Although most hugs show the personal needs such as love, appreciation, or a farewell, the hug in the picture stands for a symbolic significance for etiquette between countries. Gesture
Body Language 2 Interpretation This is impolite and rude when you use your forefinger to point at someone. The gesture shows that you don’t respect someone, either. It is not inappropriate in Asian countries. Gesture 7TPncKYGIvgO3tozpDQ&ved=0CBQQFjAAOAo&usg=AFQjCNEqfrn- KdZhBHoszhumdKs4ivD18Q
Body Language 3 Interpretation Although it’s rude and inelegant when crossing someone’s legs at once after sitting on a chair, the gesture somehow can show the person's traits. Basically, this kind of person is ambitious and confident. He/ She will take actions as soon as he/ she makes up his/ her mind. (Cheers Magazine) Gesture
Body Language 4 Interpretation I think Andy Roddick, an tennis player, uses shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands to show that he cannot help it because there is no alternative. In other words, he has no idea to do it. Gesture TW&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=kok6Q8mHAUdhCM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=176&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAndy%2BRoddick%2B%25E6%2594%25A4%25E6%2589%258B%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dzh-TW%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2ADSA_zh- TWTW388%26biw%3D897%26bih%3D402%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=117&vpy=80&dur=1615&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=92&ty=211&ei=rNa7TMDuMsSlcN624LwM&oei=KNa7TJeoJIvEvQON38i5DQ&esq=9&page=1&ndsp=11&ved=1t:429,r: 0,s:0
Body Language 5 Interpretation When people are doing something beyond understanding, we will reveal our disdainful look to the “stupid” person. For example, he/ she keeps making fun of us and forgets our exhortation. Gesture %E8%B3%9E%E6%98%87%E5%B0%8D%E6%88%B2%E7%B8%BD%E5%8C%AFpart-i-%E5%AE%8C/
Body Language 6 Interpretation First, the facial expression can show the person is exhausted and feels sleepy because his upper eyelids become heavy. Second, it stands for a sense of powerlessness due the person’s innocent eyes. Facial Expression DQ&ved=0CBQQFjAAOAo&usg=AFQjCNEqfrn-KdZhBHoszhumdKs4ivD18Q
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