Syrian’s Fight for Freedom Syrian Revolution Sara Carbaugh Period 2
Location and Geography Bordering Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon. About the size of North Dakota Damascus is the capital
Syria demographic People: Syrian(s) Population of 21 million Major ethnic groups: Arabs (90%), Kurds(9%) Religions: Sunni Muslims (74%), Alawis (12%), Christians (10%), Druze (3%) Arabic is the official language Occupation: Services 26%, agriculture 19%, industry 14%, commerce 16%, construction 15%, transportation 7%, and finance 3%. Unemployment: 9.8%
Leaders Bashar al-Assad has been the president of Syria for 10 years, he proceeded his father. Opposition of Bashar al-Assad is the Syrian National Council. The Free Syrian Army is a militia group of defectors from the Syrian armed forces.
How the Syrian Revolution is similar to the American Revolution Syria has a dictatorship under president Bashar al-Assad and England had king George III. Americans and Syrians both got foreign support for their revolution. There are loyalist to Bashar al-Assad like there was for the king. The Free Syrian Army is a militia just like the militias that America had against Britain.
How the Syrian Revolution is different from the American Revolution Syria had their revolution in a time where information can be easily shared over the internet which the Americans back in the 1770s and 80s didn’t have. The Syrians can get their points out there to people all over the world in a matter of seconds which would help gain more supporters but the Syrian government is trying to limited the media. The Syrian revolution is more of protests right now. Even though they have a militia their fights are not like the battles of the American revolution.
Syrian’s future Syria has not yet been able to overthrow the president and are have government crackdowns on the protesters. Some Syrians no longer wish to stay under Bashar al-Assad control. With the forming of the Syrian National Council there is more hope for their freedom. But I believe that it will be a while before the protesters get their freedom.
Pictures Syrian National Council Bashar al-Assad
References My links: Author. “Syria-Protest (2011)”The New York Times. Updated Oct. 27, Date accessed Oct. 27, dex.html By Elizabeth A. Kennedy. “Syrian uprising showing signs of armed rebellion”. MSNBC. Updated August 28, Accessed October 27, mideast_n_africa/#.Tqnp7N7iE8k By Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. “Background Note: Syria”. U.S. Department of State. Published March 18, Accessed October 27, dex.html mideast_n_africa/#.Tqnp7N7iE8k
References Teacher links: By Rania Abouzeid. “Dissent in Damascus’ Shadows: Driving Around Syria’s Capital”. Time World. Published Aug. 12, Accessed Oct. 27, By D. Parvaz. “Expats join Syrian revolution from afar”. Aljazeera. Modified September 8, Accessed October 27, l l Picture used as background on First slide: 682&bih=779&tbm=isch&tbnid=fZb8U9xdkAfMnM:&imgrefurl= czqK28fgaT8XM&imgurl= 2&h=197&ei=yKeoToiEGsrz0gHipKm6Dg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=260&vpy=203&d ur=457&hovh=157&hovw=209&tx=116&ty=56&sig= &sq i=2&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s: &bih=779&tbm=isch&tbnid=fZb8U9xdkAfMnM:&imgrefurl= czqK28fgaT8XM&imgurl= 2&h=197&ei=yKeoToiEGsrz0gHipKm6Dg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=260&vpy=203&d ur=457&hovh=157&hovw=209&tx=116&ty=56&sig= &sq i=2&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
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