Aim: How did the Warren Court expand civil rights for everyone?
Mapp vs. Ohio (1961) Dolores Mapp’s house was searched Dolores Mapp’s house was searched They were looking for her boyfriend, suspected of bombing 2 stores They were looking for her boyfriend, suspected of bombing 2 stores They found naked photos, which was considered pornographic material in 1961 They found naked photos, which was considered pornographic material in 1961 Arrested, tried, guilty, 1-7 years in prison Arrested, tried, guilty, 1-7 years in prison Appealed to Supreme Court… on what grounds??? Appealed to Supreme Court… on what grounds??? She wins,, 4 th amendment right against unlawful search and seizures! She wins,, 4 th amendment right against unlawful search and seizures!
Gideon vs. Wainwright Gideon broke into pool hall to steal $$ and beer from vending machine Gideon broke into pool hall to steal $$ and beer from vending machine Arrested, tried, didn’t have $$, so he defended himself Arrested, tried, didn’t have $$, so he defended himself guilty, 5 years guilty, 5 years What is the issue that makes this a Supreme Court case? What is the issue that makes this a Supreme Court case? Is it fair trial for him to be his own lawyer? Is it fair trial for him to be his own lawyer? Gideon wins,, new trial and this time acquitted Gideon wins,, new trial and this time acquitted 6 th amendment right to fair trial and due process 6 th amendment right to fair trial and due process Public defenders Public defenders
Miranda vs. Arizona-1966 Ernesto Miranda, arrested and tried with rape Ernesto Miranda, arrested and tried with rape Confessed to the police, found guilty yrs. Confessed to the police, found guilty yrs. Grounds for appeal??? Grounds for appeal??? He didn’t know he had 5 th amendment right to not “self- incriminate” He didn’t know he had 5 th amendment right to not “self- incriminate” Miranda wins, but…. Miranda wins, but…. Retried, convicted again,, paroled later and stabbed in bar fight Retried, convicted again,, paroled later and stabbed in bar fight
Roe vs. Wade-1973 “Jane Roe”(Norma Leah McCorvey) wanted to have an abortion in Texas “Jane Roe”(Norma Leah McCorvey) wanted to have an abortion in Texas 9 th amendment right to privacy and 14 th amendment due process 9 th amendment right to privacy and 14 th amendment due process Decision: Decision: A state cannot deny the right for a woman to have an abortion A state cannot deny the right for a woman to have an abortion Basically, abortion is OK,, (not necessarily legal) Basically, abortion is OK,, (not necessarily legal)
Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. US The hotel refused to have black people stay at their hotel The hotel refused to have black people stay at their hotel Is it legal to be racist in their business???? Is it legal to be racist in their business???? As long as everything about the business is within the state… Why is that a problem for the hotel?? As long as everything about the business is within the state… Why is that a problem for the hotel?? The people that stay in the hotel!! The people that stay in the hotel!! Federal gov’t regulates interstate commerce!!! Federal gov’t regulates interstate commerce!!!
Baker vs. Carr Who has the authority to run federal elections??? Who has the authority to run federal elections??? States…. Why??? States…. Why??? Prevents corruption Prevents corruption So what if the states are corrupt??? So what if the states are corrupt??? Georgia drew Congressional districts oddly Georgia drew Congressional districts oddly “one person, one vote” “one person, one vote”
Swann vs. Charlotte Bd. Of Ed What school or schools are you allowed to go to if you live in NYC???? Why???? What school or schools are you allowed to go to if you live in NYC???? Why???? Forces desegregation by allowing bussing Forces desegregation by allowing bussing Can you go to Scardale High School??? Can you go to Scardale High School???
Engel vs. Vitale Should school prayer in school be allowed???? Should school prayer in school be allowed???? 1 st amendment freedom of religion 1 st amendment freedom of religion School prayer in public schools banned School prayer in public schools banned
Tinker v Des Moines Students protested Vietnam War by wearing armbands.. Students protested Vietnam War by wearing armbands.. Can school prevent this?? Can school prevent this?? Does this protest disrupt the educational process? Does this protest disrupt the educational process? Freedom of speech in schools? Freedom of speech in schools?
TLO vs. New Jersey and Vernonia vs. Acton Both upheld public schools rights to searches and random drug testing Both upheld public schools rights to searches and random drug testing