Schanz/Sugiyama 6 th Grade Team
Overview: Introductions Papers Necessary Supplies What to expect Camp Subject Info. Planner Edline Website Contact us Questions?
Introductions: Tim Sugiyama 12 th year of teaching Math Science Grand Valley Aquinas Swim coach Nancy Schanz 24 th year of teaching Language Arts Social Studies Western Michigan Grand Valley
Papers “Homework” paper Class Schedule Edline comments for parents Registration card/sheet Calculator order form (if interested) Camp info. (if you weren’t mailed a packet) Social Studies links Movie permission slip Internet user agreement
Necessary Supplies: Pencils Pen/highlighter Dry erase markers 3-ring binders (2) Lined filler paper Calculator (optional) Pocket folder for 3-ring binder
What to Expect: High expectations Increased responsibility Emphasis on writing & independent reading Having a book every day 30 minutes or more homework each night SRC for behavior issues or: –Chronically tardy, unprepared, or missing work
Camp Date: 9/13 $5.00 for team t-shirts YMCA Pool (swim suit, towel) Climbing wall (mesh shorts and shoes) Nature hike (shoes and socks) Team challenge Field games Lunch (lunch)
Subject Info. Math: SRB and Journal Both can come home. Most homework will be in Journal Science: Text and Notebook Text can’t come home but is available online Language Arts: Reading Counts books! Reader’s/writer’s notebook. Social Studies: No online text. Books can be checked out to take home.
Planner Great communication tool Taken directly from website Essential for those without internet!
Edline Edline Comments for Parents.doc
Website!!! Homework updated each day! Links to online science text EVERY science lesson is posted Info., links, and content in: Math, L.A., and S.S. Teacher , school phone number Pictures of your kids More!!!
Contact us…. Please! Highlands phone: Website:
Questions? Please enjoy the ice cream provided in the cafeteria.