Social Networking Platforms and the Commodification of Identity CCTP Group Members
Background Although Facebook and LinkedIn offer many similar functionalities, users with profiles on each platform choose to display very different types of information. 1
RESEARCH PROBLEM How do people construct identity using Web 2.0 technologies? QUESTIONS How do the functional differences between the two platforms affect the identities users construct online? How does the perceived purpose of each site affect the types of information that people share in each profile? We are examining the differences between profiles and functionalities on LinkedIn and Facebook to better understand identity construction on Web 2.0 platforms, specifically online social networking platforms. Research Problem and Questions 2
Literature and Research Gaps Our research plan will give us an opportunity to fill gaps in both the popular and academic literature on the nature of identity construction using Web 2.0 tools. 3 Academic LiteraturePopular Literature Major Gap – Anecdotal and subjective Major Gap – does not look at impact of social networking platforms on identity describes pros and cons of LinkedIn versus Facebook Describes the applications, ease of use, cost, and purpose Based on author experience construction of online identity multiple identities artificial" identity (i.e. avatars) perceived and projected differences in identity Our Research Plan
Disciplinary Perspectives The socio-cultural and semiotic disciplines provide insight into many issues that will help answer our research questions. 4 Why do Facebook and LinkedIn members post and share different kinds of information on each of their different profiles, despite the fact that similar functionalities exist on both platforms? How does a social network shape individual identity? What are rituals/common practices in both facebook and LinkedIn? What are the behavioral and communication norms on each site? Socio-cultural Discipline What type of language is used? What pictures are shown? How much text is displayed? What does the language or format tell us about the person? How does the actual visual design of each program lend itself to visual and textual content? How does the word usage differ in presentation of the self on either platform? Semiotic Discipline How do the functional differences between the two platforms affect the identities users construct online? How does the perceived purpose of each site affect the types of information that people share in each profile? Research Questions
Interdisciplinarity Employing both disciplines allows us to draw deeper conclusions regarding how perceptions of each site reinforce the use of different functionalities and vice-versa but we also has some drawbacks. 5 Benefits By using the semiotic discipline, we can analyze the functionalities of each site to find meaning behind the placement and use of different functions to create an identity. By using the socio-cultural perspective we can help us understand how user perceptions and platform social norms impact the differences between profiles on the two platforms. Cautions Be careful not to make inferences that surveys and interviews do not support.
Research Plan – Surveys and Interviews The socio-cultural discipline can yield insight into how people perceive the purpose of each platform and how this perception impacts the types of information that users post on their separate profiles. Methods we plan to use Contact Facebook and LinkedIn administrators to get permission to call for volunteers to participate in the study. Target users who have profiles on both Facebook and LinkedIn Uncover the attitudes, perceptions, relationships using surveys and interviews targeting different age groups and professions What is the primary reason that you use either LinkedIn or Facebook? How do you choose what photos and text to use in your profiles? Which platform do you feel displays more of the "real" you? What are the signs/words that make it more real? Who is your audience? How do you choose your friends? What prompted you to join? What do you want to convey about yourself via your two profiles? Survey Questions 6
Research Plan – Semiotic Analysis By privileging the layout, available functionalities, and overall user interface, a semiotic approach yields insight into how the structure of the networking platforms impact how people construct their social networking identities. Methods we plan to use Find users who have profiles on both Facebook and LinkedIn Analyze the layout, symbols, text, signs, icons, pictures of each profile 7