Blogs, Wikis, Social Networks and Social Sharing Digital Literacy for 21 st Century Learners Presented by Tiffani Thomas
I. TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: A. demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students). B. demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. NETS-Teachers Standards V. PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers: A. use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. B. continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. C. apply technology to increase productivity. D. use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning
Objectives: Participants will understand what web 2.0 tools are and how they are related to digital literacy. Participants will discover a variety of web 2.0 tools that can be useful to them in the classroom and personally. Professional Development Learnining Module Presentation
Digital literacy is the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of digital technology and recognizing your own contribution towards developing the knowledge base both socially and academically. It requires a high working knowledge of current technology, its features and how it works. Wikipedia Research around digital literacy is concerned with wider aspects associated with learning how to effectively find, use, summarize, evaluate, create, and communicate information while using digital technologies; not just being literate at using a computer. Digital Literacy
Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are expected to replace desktop computing applications for many purposes.“ Wikipedia How does Web 2.0 relate to digital literacy? “ The significance of the shift to Web 2.0 for education is that it empowers teachers and learners to easily create and share their own content and resources”. What is Web 2.0 ?- Focus Question
What is a Blog (or Weblog)? A frequently updated website, automatically archived. Easily updated using any web browser connected to the Internet. An online journal or newsletter, consisting of personal thoughts & commentary Blogs include links to articles and websites. Most blogs allow readers to leave comments on posts. Blogs can be authored by an individual or by multiple authors. Blogs and Blogging
Check out the Emerging Technologies wiki there are a range of places to create a blog. Edublog, Wordpress, Blogmister etc
How many of you have a place where you blog on a regular basis? Do any of you follow someone else’s blog? If so, would you type in the dialogue box your favorite blog. Response Time By show of hands
"A wiki is a web application that allows users to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows anyone to edit the content. Wiki also refers to the collaborative software used to create such a website” Wikipedia Wiki Online Users can add content Anyone can edit information if you choose Add images and links Set preferences Invite people to join Summary
Places to make a wiki (Free ad turn off for educators) Emerging Technologies – Click HereClick Here Educational Software – Click HereClick Here My Sample PB works Wiki- click hereclick here Wiki Examples
How do I make a wiki on wikispaces or pbworks?
Podcasting, made from Apple's "iPod" and "broadcasting", is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost. It first became popular in late 2004, used largely for audio files." Wikipedia Podcasting does not actually require an iPod. One can access podcasts via the web with almost any audio software and/or with most portable digital music players. Creating podcasts can be done using free software. Podcast files can be hosted using various, free online services. Create a podcast in the classroom using software such as Audacity. Here you can record audio and add music. (Demo Audacity) Or you can create, find or share podcasts online at Podomatic. Podcasting
A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot is a picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration. wikipediacomputernarrationscreenshot Screencast using free software such as Jing Click here Click here for my sample screencast using Data Director at my school Screencasting
"A social network is a map of the relationships between individuals, indicating the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds." Wikipedia Social Networks Social networking sites typically let users develop a list of friends (aka the buddy list). You can explore your friends' buddy lists and find people with similar interests. You can perform a number of online activities: blogging, media-sharing, commenting, testimonials. You can personalize your 'space' easily using themes and widgets to make it look different from other people's.
Examples of Social Networks Top 10 most popular citesTop 10 most popular cites click here
Do you regularly use a social networking site listed in the examples? Which one do you use? Type response in box Do you use one not listed that you would like to share? If so, Type response in box Response time By Show of hands
Photo Sharing There are many places where you can post pictures and photos. You can share them with others and search for pictures posted by other people. There are privacy options available. Reviews of Top 10 Photo sites
Just as you can add images up to the web you can also add video clips. There are a range of different sites to host video such as: Video Sharing
Presentation/Document sharing If children or teachers have worked hard on a PowerPoint presentation in class, there are places where these can be uploaded so that you can share them with a wider audience. Click Here for My sample presentation Click Here for My sample presentation
Click here Click here for details (Cool Organizational tool) Little bit of extras Digital Fun With Avatars
Blogs Wikis Podcasting/Screencasting Social Networking Social Sharing-photos, videos, presentations, documents, Organization Digital Fun Web 2.0 tools in Review
Engagement Differentiation Critical Thinking New Capabilities Alternative learning environments Extend Learning Lifelong Learning Skills Why should I use Web 2.0 in the Classroom? Tips on How! from Discovery Education Presentation Video Mobile Community tools More
Have you been inspired enough to try some of these at home or in your classroom? If so, which web 2.0 would you want to try 1 st ? Type your response in text box Response time by show of hands Will you try?
You Discovery Google images Bucks Community College- Resouces/credits