Unit 1 Prayer – Lesson 2 Defining Prayer. How do YOU define PRAYER?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Prayer – Lesson 2 Defining Prayer

How do YOU define PRAYER?

Defining Prayer  There are several definitions of prayer.  Most essentially: Prayer is a relationship, our response to God who seeks us.

“The greatest prayer is patience” Buddha A stone cutter may hammer away at a rock a hundred times without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the hundred and first blow, the rock splits in two. It was not the one blow that did it, but all that had gone on before.

St. John Chrysostom: “Nothing is equal to prayer; for what is impossible it makes possible, what is difficult easy.” Dr. Martin Luther King echoes St. John: “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible that to be alive without breathing.”

Strengthening the Bond  God makes the first move.  God calls and invites.  We respond.  Prayer, then is a response to our experience of God’s inbreaking.

Other Definitions of Prayer… by the saints  St. John Damascene – “prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God.”  St. Augustine – “True prayer is nothing but love.”  St. Therese – “For me prayer is a surge of the heart.”  St. Clement – “conversation with God.”

Four Stages of Prayer  When I pray to God: 1. I feel like I am saying things at God. 2. I began to talk to God. 3. I began to listen to God. 4. I began to listen for God in events in my life and that God was present in me and with me. Prayer is…language of a relationship being present, listening, and being present in ones heart. Prayer is God’s gift and spirit in us.

Suggestions for Prayer 1. Pray where you are and NOT where you think you should be. 2. Pray as you can NOT as you can’t. 3. God works with what is – “it is what it is” 4. Prayer can take many different forms and feel many different ways. 5. When you find God – stay there.

Benefits of Prayer:  Prayer contributes to our sense of self-worth  Prayer leads to happiness  Prayer changes us  Prayer nourishes us in virtues  Prayer energizes, calms, and renews  Heals  Prayer helps relieve anxiety  Prayer deepens our relationship with the Triune God

Obstacles to Prayer  We find it hard to stay at home  What we do is who we are  Get caught up and hard to be still  Live in a world that expects instant results  Resist reacting to emotions  Want to control our lives and world  Finding time for God  Hard to live in present moment

Stumbling Blocks and Myths/Misconceptions  need to pray a certain length of time  need to pray every day like we are on retreat  need to be in a certain state or place to pray  there is an ideal way to pray  prayer always equals consolation  we must become great prayers

HOMEWORK Advertisement Rubric  Some form of media (newspaper, internet, billboard, etc…) used to persuade others to try prayer ____/2 pts  List definition of prayer from notes, either word for word, or paraphrased - ____2 pts  Explained at least ONE benefit, ONE obstacle, and ONE myth/misconception of prayer to make your point - ____3 pts  Was creative, and added your own “personal touch” to your work - _____2 pts  Was on time, neat, complete, and had no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation – _____1 pt Post to OneNote under the “Homework” tab in Unit 1 labeled “Mock Ad”!!! Due next class!