Keep C.A.L.M. Implementation of a Chemistry Assisted- Learning Module at Khalifa University Leigh Powell Instructional Technology Specialist
2 Motivation Methods Implementation Usage & Perception Results Future Work During this talk…
3 Located in Abu Dhabi, UAE Campuses in Abu Dhabi (main) and Sharjah (satellite) Approx. 1,300 students 80% of its student population being UAE nationals Diverse faculty & staff, over 40 different nationalities About Khalifa University
4 Language of instruction is English Majority of students speak English as a second language (ESL) All courses are traditional classroom environment – no completely online courses About Khalifa University
Motivations for C.A.L.M. C hemistry A ssisted L earning M odule
6 Fall 2015 semester Management interest in moving towards online learning New toys! Motivations for C.A.L.M.
7 Chemistry for Engineering Students (CHEM115) Required course for all first year students Traditionally difficult subject Large teaching team, large student population = Great potential to see impact Existing resources created by Chem teaching team allowed for easily implementation
8 Discussions with stakeholders Mgmt, faculty, ITS, counseling services Designed to be a supplement, not a replacement Aim to target struggling students Open to all students, voluntary No course credit given Implementation
9 Separate Moodle course created Moodle course meta-link enrollment method used to auto-enroll all students taking Chem115 Topics format utilized to place content in Chapter format Implementation
10 Three components per Chapter 1. Problem-solving videos 2. English language vocabulary games 3. Practice quizzes Content
11 Chem team divided up chapters 1-4 videos for each course chapter taught All problems taken from book Videos covered fundamental concepts Aim to keep videos no longer than 5 minutes long Content :: Problem Solving Video
12 Faculty were given choice in how they wanted to record their own videos ITS provided equipment and methods, if desired All took different approaches to creating videos: Powerpoints with voice over recording (Audacity) Microsoft OneNote Interactive Prestigio board recording using Camtasia Lecture Capture classroom, document camera Content :: Problem Solving Video
13 All videos hosted on Mediasite server All videos served via Mediasite plugin for Moodle Content :: Problem Solving Video
14 Resources collaboratively developed by Chemistry and Preparatory English faculty, along with resources from textbook Designed for ESL students with a IELTS score of 6 Content :: Vocabulary Games
15 Five practice Moodle quizzes, each covering content from one or two chapters Moodle Quiz Activity Not graded, multiple attempts allowed Feedback given to support Content :: Practice Quizzes
Posters placed around campus Faculty advocated for usage during class time Counseling services Usage
17 Statistics using data from Moodle plugin Configurable Reports and Mediasite analytics Of 180 students, 162 students voluntarily accessed CALM at least once. Median number of visits being 12 (min=1, max= 144) No correlation between number of visits and course grade Usage
quiz accesses 460 video views 260 language recourses 56 of 162 students access both quizzes and videos Strong link between access and date of assessments Usage
19 Usage
20 Student survey created in Moodle Questionnaire Placed in individual CHEM115 sections, not in the CALM course itself Left open for several weeks Specific questions about usage and opinions on the different content Student Perception
21 30 responses out of 180 students 8 students did not use CALM – Why? “I understand the material” (4 responses) “No time to use it” (5 responses) “Other” (2 responses) Student Perception
22 22 students who had used CALM Several survey questions asked regarding the content, especially the difficulty and relevance of the content versus content on assessments (i.e., quizzes, midterm, final) Data will be used to fine tune and enhance content Student Perception
23 19 students gave meaningful feedback when asked how the module could be improved More videos was the most common request (9 students) More examples explained Student Perception
24 Enhance content via e-textbook Further analysis on statistics Video production method Content analysis System in place to identify struggling students for candidacy to the Future Work
Keep C.A.L.M. Implementation of a Chemistry Assisted- Learning Module at Khalifa University Leigh Powell Instructional Technology Specialist