OFFICE 365 All Around Accessibility
Yammer A social network application for internal communication and live interaction Create Groups, Join a Group, Post a comment, Praise a individual
One Drive One Drive for Business: Unlimited cloud storage for users to store, track and manage all the important files you need to work successfully Using One Drive enables you to access your documents virtually from any location and any device.
SharePoint Sites A secure site to store, organize, share, and access information from almost any device. Each school has a SharePoint Site, and the Principal can designate a staff member to be trained as the site master to update it. Pegasus Central – Booker T Washington examplePegasus Central
SharePoint Site- Booker T Washington
SharePoint Site – Booker T Washington
SharePoint Site - Booker T. Washington
Video Create Video Channels for popular topics, specific events, highlights, tutorials, and more… Subscribe to others’ channels and see what others are creating and sharing
OneNote A note-taking application is a digital notebook for capturing, storing, and sharing all kinds of information- notes, pictures, webpages, and media. You can access your OneNote information wherever you go. Create notes, sketch a diagram, record a lecture, and connect them to a related presentation files, photos, videos, web links, charts, and more, right in your notes.
Learning Management System Moodle Coming Soon Dallas ISD – MOODLE Pilot program in process Any schools that would like to work with Moodle, we will create a Moodle classroom for your teachers upon request.
OFFICE 365 For Training Requests, Site Requests, Moodle Requests, and any additional questions or concerns, please contact: Shellie Martin