Personality Perception Values (6) You Non verbal Empathic Responding Communicate Experience Emotion Needs Other
Raising Awareness: Learning Styles Purpose: To learn about learning styles. To understand the differences between auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners To identify your own learning style and apply it to class experiences and learning about others. There are three basic types of learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. We learn things though all three but have a preference. Use assessment to determine yours… Source help:
Raising Awareness: Learning Styles Now- think critically… In interpersonal relations, we learn about each other through these means: visual (what we see; appearances), auditory (what we hear) and Kinesthetic (what people do). What messages are you sending? Source help:
The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) Read Handout then do Assessment
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) Complete assessments in Self-Assessment Library pg.1-7 Explore your type in preparation for Profile of Self II… Assignment for tonight-read up on you personality type: Portrait- the picture of your personality (Picture frame) Personal growth (Tree symbol) Personality and Relationships (Heart Symbol) See questions on handout
Extraversion and Introversion What gives you energy? Design an ideal two hour class room experience
Energized by other people, external experiences Energized by inner resources, internal experiences EXTRAVERSIONINTROVERSION Tendencies & Characteristics Acts, then (maybe) reflects Reflects, then (maybe) acts Adapted from the work of Earle C. Page
Sensing and Intuition How do you like your information served- with facts or concepts? How do you get to the Metro Centre?
SENSING Sees patterns and relationships INTUITION Tendencies & Characteristics Works hands-on with parts to understand overall design Likes facts, definite, measurable Big Picture Adapted from the work of Earle C. Page
Thinking and Feeling Explore how you make decisions. Two friends are in an argument- how do you handle it?
Goes by logic THINKING Goes by personal convictions FEELING Tendencies & Characteristics Concerned with principles such as truth, justice Concerned with values such as relationships, harmony Adapted from the work of Earle C. Page
Judging and Perceiving Do you like a planned week with free time each day or a free week with a few planned activities? What would be your ideal week?
Prefers an organized lifestyle JUDGMENT Prefers a flexible lifestyle PERCEPTION Tendencies & Characteristics Likes definite order and structure Likes going with the flow Adapted from the work of Earle C. Page