2 Purpose In order to maximize your learning… In order to maximize your learning… A safe, positive, and productive environment will be provided.
Classroom Rule #1 Always Give Your Best Effort Always Give Your Best Effort
Set high standards for yourself. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. That’s how we learn!
6 Keep a positive attitude
7 Be on time
8 What is late? a.You arrive 1 second after th e bell b. You arrive 1 minute after the bell c. You arrive 1 hour after the bell d. All of the above
9 Late = You arrive after the bell You arrive after the bell
10 What happens If you are late and do not have a pass? What happens If you are late and do not have a pass? Strike 1: Lunch with me Strike 2: Discipline Referral Strike 2: Discipline Referral
11 Be a self-starter
12 1. Bring a pencil I am no longer in the pencil-loaning business. I will, however, loan a pencil (with collateral) during tests.
13 Collateral means … Something given of value
14 2. Grab a calculator
15 Why do you have to use a TI 73 calculator instead of your very own cell phone’s calculator? a. You can’t talk on a TI 73. b. You must use a TI 73 on the PSSA. c. Both a and b
16 3. Grab a math textbook and your math notebook
17 Why take good notes? 1.You remember TWICE as much if you write it down 2. You can use your notes on quizzes & certain tests
18 3. Check the board for your first assignment
19 1. Pencil 2. Textbook & Notebook 3. 1 st Assignment
20 1. Teacher permission. Listening to music is a privilege and requires three things: 2. A “B” average or better. 3. I do not hear your music.
21 You may listen to music during independent work time, but not during lecture, group work, etc. Headphones: Only during independent work time. Headphones: Only during independent work time.
22 What about cell phones ? If I see it, I take your device until class is over.
23 What about text messaging? If I see it, I take your phone until class is over.
24 What if I can text while hiding my device? What if I can text while hiding my device? I still take it.
26 1. Return your books. 2. Hand in papers to be graded. 3. I dismiss, not the bell. No one leaves until the room is in order. 3. I dismiss, not the bell. No one leaves until the room is in order. 4. No slithering out into the hall.
32 Let’s Review the Classroom Rules 1. Always give your best effort 3. Be a self-starter 4. Electronic devices: (Music & cells) 2. Be on time 6. Be respectful 5. Put your stuff away
33 The behaviors we look for In the classroom Are the same behaviors That employers look for In the workplace. What is taking place in school IS RELEVANT To what is taking place in the workplace. What is taking place in school IS RELEVANT To what is taking place in the workplace.
34 Let’s watch the School to Work video which identifies 5 Personal Qualities that employers look for. Let’s watch the School to Work video which identifies 5 Personal Qualities that employers look for. Next, we’ll compare those employer qualities to our classroom rules. Next, we’ll compare those employer qualities to our classroom rules.
35 Personal Qualities 1. Responsibility 2. Self-esteem 3. Sociability 4. Self management 5. Honesty
36 Disruptive or Disrespectful Behaviors
37 If You Break One of The Six Golden Rules………… Verbal warning Lost Participation points Lost Participation points Office referral
38 We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! Here’s your first math problem: Determine how many hours we will be spending together this school year. Assume that there are 180 days in a school year and we meet every other day.
39 We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! Here’s your second math problem: Determine how many minutes we will be spending together this school year.
40 We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! We Will Be Spending A Lot of Time Together! Here’s your third math problem: Determine how many seconds we will be spending together this school year.
41 Let’s Have a Great Year Together! Let’s Have a Great Year Together! I look forward to working with each and every one of you. I look forward to working with each and every one of you.
42 Together, let’s create A classroom community That is built upon Respect And concern For each other. Together, let’s create A classroom community That is built upon Respect And concern For each other.