Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED1 Cyber CYBER THEORIST BRIEFING MAJ Kyle Spade 12 August 2015
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED2 Cyber (U) AGENDA MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) Importance of Cyber (U) Common Language in Cyber (U) Theory of Cyber War (U) Theory of Cyber Warfare (U) Bibliography (U) Questions
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED3 Cyber (U) IMPORTANCE OF CYBER MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) Cyber is a medium to expedite the sharing of information and knowledge. “War is a violent clash of competing interests between or among organized groups each attempting to impose their will on the opposition.” - Strategic Landpower White Paper: Winning the Clash of Wills (2013)
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED4 Cyber (U) COMMON LANGUAGE MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) Cyberspace (Environment): “A consensual hallucination…A graphic representation of data.” - William Gibson (1984) Bottom line: Cyberspace is an environment where is information is shared amongst networks. (U) Cyber Domain: Key features of a domain: It can be described physically. Military operations can be conducted in and through the domain.
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED5 Cyber (U) COMMON LANGUAGE MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) Cyber power (Cognitive Dimension): “The ability to use cyberspace to create advantages and influence events in all the operational environments and across the instruments of power.” - Daniel Kuehl (2014) “War is a violent clash of competing interests between or among organized groups each attempting to impose their will on the opposition.” - Strategic Landpower White Paper: Winning the Clash of Wills (2013)
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED6 Cyber (U) THEORY OF CYBER WAR MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) The Cyberspace (or rather environment) is a man-made geography for social interaction. Benign and malignant actors share the geography. Network organizations appear more adept at operating in this geography than hierarchical organizations. (U) Cyber power is a weapon. Information and knowledge utilized to incite organizations. SO WHAT? KEY TAKEAWAY (U) Cyber is an information tool. (U) “Weapons do not win and lose wars; people and their societies do.”
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED7 Cyber (U) THEORY OF CYBER WARFARE MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 (U) Cyber power will serve useful as an enabler of joint military operations. Cyber is not Douhetian. It cannot achieve strategic victory on its own. (U) Cyber offense is swift, but it is not likely to be deadly, and it should not work twice. Remember it is a man-made geography. (U) Cyber power is only information. Information and knowledge cannot be held wholly responsible for strategic success or failure. (U) Be respectful and adapt but do not panic in the face of technology.
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED8 Cyber (U) BIBLIOGRAPHY MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 Arquilla, John, and David Ronfeldt, editors. Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy. Washington, DC: National Defense Research Institute, Accessed July 24, Field Manual (FM) 3-13, Inform and Influence Activities (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2013). Gray, Colin S. “Making Strategic Sense of Cyber Power: Why the Sky Is Not Falling.” Strategic Studies Institute Monograph. Carlisle, PA: USAWC Press, Accessed July 24, Joint Publication (JP) 3-0, Joint Operations (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2011).
Theorist BriefingUNCLASSIFIED9 Cyber (U) BIBLIOGRAPHY MAJ KYLE SPADE CAO: 10 AUGUST 2015 Liang, Qiao and Wang Xiangsui. Unrestricted Warfare. Translated by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, Accessed July 30, Office of the Secretary of Defense. Strategic Landpower: Winning the Clash of Wills White Paper (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2013). Starr, Stuart H. Towards an Evolving Theory of Cyberpower. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, Accessed July 24,