The purpose of the Climate Disobedience Center is to serve as a catalyst for direct action, creating points of vivid moral clarity, emboldening both climate activists and the unlikeliest of allies, to capture the heart and soul of the climate debate.
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Use creative conflict to break up business- as-usual, forcing attention to the underlying, fatal conflict between global survival and blind adherence to fossil fuel powered mass consumption, and unrestrained economic growth.
The Power of Solidarity and Resolve Sometimes, the best way to cope with despair over what feels like an impossible challenge is to take principled action with kindred spirits. (photo courtesy of Rising Tide Seattle and the Delta 5)
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Create a community of climate dissidents who are engaged as whole people, bonded by love and trust, who have each other’s backs in this risky work, and who recognize relationships will sustain us now and as the crisis deepens.
Building Power through Civil Disobedience
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Challenge the legal system – by offering the necessity defense at trial and other open, honest and transparent means – to grapple with the true questions of fairness, risk and equity confronting our society.
From the CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Challenge the legal system – by offering the necessity defense at trial and other open, honest and transparent means – to grapple with the true questions of fairness, risk and equity confronting our society.
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Challenge the leadership of the environmental movement and religious communities to serve the purposes for which those institutions were created; centered on moral imagination rather than policy and political feasibility.
The Power of Vulnerability From the CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Engage individuals who see no alternative but to use our bodies in a final effort to avoid the abyss, who approach the task of re-centering society imbued with the hope, joy and serenity which only flow from living in the truth.
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Tell the devastating truth that the world is ending on our watch. We refuse to dumb down the problem or lie about the scale and speed of global response necessary to avert cataclysm and survive increasingly chaotic conditions. In this we find true hope, not a false hope based on the denial of the hard reality or the allure of easy solutions.
Principled Action is Transformational (for all of us) at the Peoples Climate March: Marla with Bristol County District Attorney, Sam Sutter. See!
CLIMATE DISOBEDIENCE CENTER PRINCIPLES We aim to Engage everyone, even our enemies and opponents, with openness, tolerance and humor (because kindred spirits are found in surprising places), while remaining implacably opposed to the perverted systems of money, power and control which divide and exploit, and must be replaced if we are to survive.
Climate Disobedience as an act of Radical Obedience join us!